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Partner / Berlingo clutch operation - CompoSimmonite
I'm interested in a Partner or Berlingo around 5-8 years old. Probably 1.9 or 2.0 diesel depending on what's avaliable for the funds I have to spend.
Problem is I have a duff left leg so although I can drive manuals it's painful. I have, however, got an unused Mobility autoclutch I intended fitting to my old Land Rover that I now intend using on any new car.
I dropped by the local Citroen dealers and asked the mechanics if Berlingo clutch was cable or hydraulic operation - they didn't know !

Question therefore is can anyone tell me if an old model 1.9 / 2.0 diesel Berlingo and Partner had cable or hydraulic clutch operation.


Paul H.
Partner / Berlingo clutch operation - Bromptonaut
Just been outside and checked. 2005 Berlingo Multispace 1.9 DW series engine, clutch is cable operated. The cable is obviously adapted to RHD and therefore routes rather circuitously round the engine bay. I'd judge the clutch as quite heavy in normal operation. Not difficult but certainly not featherlight like in some small cars.

Looks look a straight carry over from the XUD setup, the HDi versions may be differnt.
Partner / Berlingo clutch operation - RichardW
2.0 HDi is also cable operated, and the cable is about 3 miles long and routes all the way around the engine bay. We looked at buying one about 18 months ago, but rejected it, partly becuase all the ones we tried had heavy clutches, and my wife has a bad back- partly because they are very expensive for what they are 2nd hand. We bought a Xsara Picasso in the end - tickes many of the same boxes, but hydraulic clutch, and there were about 10 times as many available to choose from, and they weren't so dear. Later 1.6HDi is hydraulic, but they're only available after about 2005, so expensive.
Partner / Berlingo clutch operation - gordonbennet
Of no help to you whatsoever but Part/Berl was always an ideal vehicle for a proper auto box, never understood why it was never offered.

Incidentally petrol Xsara Picasso did come with a proper auto, could that be any good, same car underneath.
Partner / Berlingo clutch operation - andyp
The Picasso would be much better value for money if it would suitable for you. I bought mine after finding that 2/3 year old Berlingos were so expensive, and trying to find one with aircon was nigh on impossible ! I had the Picasso for 2.5 years, covered about 30 thousand miles and can honestly say that it was the most useful car i have ever owned. Apart from the normal tyres and services etc, the only extra mine cost me was 25p for a fuse when i tried using the screen washers when the washer fluid was frozen solid.
Partner / Berlingo clutch operation - TedCrilly
Hang on a minute Compo...a few weeks ago you didnt want to buy a new easy to drive GP dualogic because you were concerned over rust issues ......but now want to buy an 8 yr old Pug` and go through all the issues associated with fitting the autoclutch....hmmmmm???
Partner / Berlingo clutch operation - CompoSimmonite
I accepted, and believed, what people said that modern cars don't rust during the Fiat discussion and had been looking at Fiats Panda / Grande Punto until I learned more about the Duralogic system and decided too big a risk for me seeing there are so many negative reports about the system that make main dealer a steady income.
Anyway we've now bought a car, of another make, but now need a van / MPV to replace my Land Rover as a workhorse hence looking at Berlingo / Partner / Kangoo.
BTW already looked at a Doblo but dash fouled my twisted left leg.
Autoclutch isn't a big issue fitting. No worse than installing stereo wiring and changing a metal brake pipe so hardly rocket science.

Paul H