Reading todays DT (best way, no charging Rhinos) I see that our sponsor HJ is doing question & answer sessions at the motorshow this year.
There's one on the Thursday and one on Sunday, I thought it might make a good opportunity to have the inaugrial (and possibly last!) HJ backroom get together.
I think the Sunday is the 27th, what do the assembled masses here think?
PS - Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but I couldn't see it in a brief scan of the latest posts
A good idea. May I suggest clear identification badges, a great help on such occasions. Sorry it's a bit far from Dundee at 75; and I have to look after the boss (SWMBO); and I don't suppose I'd find my way about in the big smoke, or get parked!
One thing. LOOK at the cars, or anything else that may interest. BUY nothing!