I have a 2001 Y plate Corsa SXI (new shape) with 20000 miles on the clock, bought new because it came with free insurance, I'm only 23! However, now i've got max no claims I want to upgrade into a larger car, but I also want better economy than what I'm getting with the Corsa - about 40 - 43mpg usually.I've just graduated and my job will involve commuting up to 50miles a day on motorway so figure in 20000 miles per year total.
I dont want to spend any money other than that from the sale/trade in of the car. I believe it books at 5000 - 5500 trade/ private sale upto 6500. Preferably, in order to pay off some student debt, i would like to retain some cash out of the car - thus paying 4000 to 4500 for something else.
I've been looking at Vectras and Astra diesels, ex fleet T/V/W plate with 100000 miles plus at this money, but feel loathed to spend money on a car with that mileage on the clock. Opinions please?? I've also have looked at Rover 200/400 diesels with less mileage. Also considered an ex fleet dual fuel(LPG) Vauxhall but dont know enough about oncosts of servicing/problems etc. No where seems to talk about them. Again opinions please.
So there you have it - I need recommendations for a 23 year old with full no claims to spend 4-6k on a highly economical larger motorway crusier to keep for 2-3 years 60000 miles.
I've known people with Rover 200 turbo diesels. They fly on the motorway and return well into the 50s. The normally aspirated ones are a bit lethargic though. Would probably suit you well. The engines are from Peugeot, I think. Not the very best for refinement but with regular serviceing will run forever.
You should be able to get a recent 200 SDI with less than 50k for under £5,000.
(I managed to get a 600 iLD for that money, but then I've got friends in the trade...)
My 600 has the same engine as in the 200/400: it's not a peugeot - it's a Rover L-series, built at the Land Rover plant in Solihull.
The 'I' in SDI stands for "intercooler", which means it has 105 hp.
Even in a big car like the 600, it goes well, feels quick and consistently returns 50mpg. In a 200 it must be fantastic.
It's not a cutting-edge engine, but it's well-liked in the trade and should go to high mileages if looked after. Service intervals are 12,000 miles btw.
There are also 200 SD's about (turbo, but no intercooler) that have 86 hp.
I think only the old Honda Ballade-based (boxy) 200s had peugeot engines without turbos, and I assume you're not looking at those.
Why not look at a mid capacity motorcycle? Some of the smaller commuter bikes will be well able to do the 25 miles each way, will be faster in town than the car (as long as you filter well):-}, AND
they will also get 60 plus to the gallon. 125cc scooters which would be OK if all of the journey is below 50 MPH will do about 80MPG.
Sorry forgot to say that it would leave enough money to rent a car when you need to go on the longer journeys.
Have you considered a 306 diesel? Could easily get a decent one well within your budget. Try and go for the D turbo model as it looks good but still is only gr5 insurence and will give a good mpg, as will any 306 DT.
Let us know how you get on.