In today's paper Ford have a promo for their 4 X 2 Escape SUV.
Payment plans are outlined, 12/24/36 etc with the repayments not being described as repayments, but as "investments".
Looking at the 12 month numbers they're about equal to what the damn thing would depreciate at over the first 18 months. Great investment huh?! I'd be better off with tobacco shares.
I've never trusted anyone remotely connected to whatever "marketing" is and I am again reminded of my good sense.
Like the cars which are no longer second hand, but "Previously Enjoyed".
Sounds like someones ex wife.
It seems £199/month is the price point in SO many headline amounts of new cars just now.
The actual selling price being lost in the small print. Together with 000's £ deposit (your old car, no doubt) & final 'option to purchase' figure. All in tiny type-face!
Guess the marketing people feel we can afford this figure & are really just covering the depreciation, so only borroeing the car - never owning it!
Here in Spain previously owned heaps are called "Semi Nuevo"!
Hyperbole lives en España !
Roger in Spain
Mind you one of the worst "Marketing Speak" phrases I have ever seen, (in the UK) is a certain chain of oil company owned filling stations proudly declaring that their fuel prices are "Hiper Low" Now there's an oxymoron for you - hiper low indeed: the mind boggles at the education of the copywriter who thought that one up!
Roger in Spain