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Omega Manifold - Adamh
I have a '99 Omega MV6 3.0Litre, its devoloped a leak on the exhaust manifold. I visited my local dealer who advised new exchaust manifold gaskets (Not a problem!) however the engine would have to be removed and replaced to carry out the work!!! Has anyone heard of this before?
Omega Manifold - Adamh
P.S Can anyone advise me is there anything else worth doing while the engine is out, as i hope this will be a one off job.

Any advice ?
Omega Manifold - Ian J
According to the manual you can do the right bank without removing the engine however the bad news is that it says that you have to either remove the engine or the head to get at the left bank which tallies with the advice you received.
RE what else can go wrong - I have just replaced my cam cover gaskets - oil leak - which apparently is a common problem. Prior to that I had to replace the oil cooler which I also suspect may be a problem with the engine since the dealer had the oil cooler in stock. In both these cases you have to remove the inlet manifold which is very time consuming. However both these jobs can be done with the engine in the car so perhaps it would be sensible to leave things if everything looks ok
Omega Manifold - Adamh
Ok thanks for that sounds like the dealer is on the level, i'll just let them get on with it.
Omega Manifold - robert
What symptoms are you getting?

Also, can you let me know what the cost is?

Thanks in anticipation .......
Omega Manifold - Adamh
Just the exhaust quite loud and almost a tick on acceleration. I let you know when I?ve sold the wife and kids, remortgaged the house and pillaged the credit cards to pay the Vauxhall dealer!!!