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er... another Omega question!!! - svpworld
Just a quickie, last night stopped in a supermarket car park in my auto 2.0 GLS omega. As I put the transmission into Park and pulled up the handbrake (using the button as I always do), upon releasing the button I felt a short but very strong sudden "jump" or jerk of the handbrake lever. No other problems though, and handbrake seems fine but it seemed at the time that it tried to jump out of the ratchet just as I released it. Could it have been the auto box settling into park lock?


SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
er... another Omega question!!! - Dizzy {P}
er... another feeble answer!!!

If you put the lever into Park whilst still moving slightly and kept your foot on the footbrake whilst you applied the handbrake, you could have wound the transmission up slightly and the handbrake would have kept it like that. As you released the handbrake, the transmission would 'unwind' and give a jerk to the handbrake lever.

Best I can do!
er... another Omega question!!! - geoff C
If the Omega handbrake is similar to the Carlton's, with manual shoe adjustment, then when the shoes need adjusting they can "float" around the backplate and allow the drum to turn slightly, with the shoes, until the the latter reach thier stop. This can pull the the handbrake on tighter or release it slightly depending on whether the car is trying to roll forward or backward, respectively.