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99 1.9tdi engine cuts off when warm - Damzelindistress
Hi All

whilst driving my golf the engine cuts off, usually when its warm. After a minute or so itl start again. Iv taken it to a few agarages who cant seem to diagnose the problem, wev had the obvious things changed i.e. fuel filter, coolant sensor etc but still got the same problem.

has anybody else had this problem, any advice would be appreciated.

Edited by Pugugly on 18/01/2009 at 22:45

99 1.9tdi engine cuts off when warm - adverse camber
cam or crank sensor?
99 1.9tdi engine cuts off when warm - Damzelindistress
ok thnx. Taking it to the garage again later so will mention the cam sensor.
(I just had a quick read of what a cam sensor is/does) and it sounds like it could possibly be it, fingers and everything else crossed.
99 1.9tdi engine cuts off when warm - Damzelindistress
ok, iv just had a word with the mechanic and he said he has already checked for that and its not coming up on the computer - so it cant be that.

any other suggestions???
99 1.9tdi engine cuts off when warm - Mr Fox

Did you ever sort this one out ? My Brother's 1.9 TDI Golf has just started doing this, but when he restarts the engine its fine again.

He has little faith in the VW Garage, who can't find anything amiss.
99 1.9tdi engine cuts off when warm - Raman
If you look up into where the relays and the fuses are in your car, Look for a relay labelled up as 109, if it is black then you need to replace it with an upgraded grey one from VW, the relay is mounted on a PCB, after a long time the soldered joint cracks, if you can solder, re-flow the joint and keep the relay as a spare.
Hope this helps.