My neighbour is currently without his Vw Golf due to a total gearbox failure, the car was bought as an approved Used VW and luckily is ( just ) still within the warranty period. It has covered only 54 000 miles.
He has has a load of problems with the car since he bought it, electrical faults, air conditioning faults and now this. Indeed the Garage say it needs New Catalyst, new driveshafts too.
What is the likelihood of VW taking the vehicle back and either refunding or replacing it ? The problem is that When the warranty is expired he will have to meet the cost of these ongoing faults.
I advised him to ask for a further years warranty - in view of the problems. Is this fair ? I also advised him to Write to HJ direct as this kind of problem is often covered in the Motoring Telegraph.
Incidentally he has a Fiat Stilo Hire car - it is a fantastic little car, very thoughtfully made. I hired a Citroen C3 when I was on Holiday in France - it was awful...........
I look forward to any comments
He could try talking to his local trading standards and see whether it is reasonable to ask for an extended warranty or whether they think a car of this age and mileage is of satisfactory quality especially if it is an approved used car so must have been serviced to manufacturer's recommendations from day one. Either this car has been abused by its previous owners or it is a bit of a lemon to suffer so many failures at such a young age and normal mileage. If he gets no joy from trading standards or making a fuss with VW then I would say he should sell it asap and get something else.
A friend has had a similar list of problems with a Golf GTi. It was the diff bearings that caused the problem in his gearbox. The independant VW specialist he used for the rebuild told him it was a common problem.