My attention was drawn the other day to the DVLA site and choosing your own registration. I found one I like and I believe it has potential future value due to its close association with our local football team. I cannot use the plate at present as it would make my car look newer than it is. Can I still buy it/store it/am I free to sell it on at a prifit should I choose to in the future??
You can certainly buy older numbers on a 'retention certificate', so see no reason why you should not be able to buy a new one just the same. You can keep the cert for as long as you like, and then transfer it to a car for just the assignment fee (£80 currently I think). There are no restrictions on you selling the number, on its retention cert, for whatever you can get for it. Just look at the adverts in the press from the reg number people, offering thousands of numbers at stupid prices, mostly 'on retention'. (Retention saves you having to keep the MOT up on old vehicles).
One addendum to the above reply, - if you buy a number and keep it on a retention certificate, it is only valid for 12 months & will need to be renewed annually if not registered on a vehicle
Another point to add. You do NOT get a reminder! Make a note of the renewal date in next years diary. If you forget, you loose the plate!