Hi Guys
I have a 1993 Astra 1400 with now 100k on the clock.
Over the last week I have noticed a hot (Almost burning)smell when I park the car after a fast run.Similar to the smell when a new exhaust first gets hot.
I have checked the brakes are not binding, the car has just passed its emissions test with flying colours as part of the MOT
test. There are no visible oil leaks.
I suspect the clutch (I think it is the original) but I cannot detect any slipping in normal driving. At least on the Vauxhall replacing the clutch is easy.
Have any of you guys any suggestions/advice.
Plastic carrier bag on the exhaust???
Thanks Andrew / Dynamic Dave for your replies, I will let you know on this thread if I find the cause of this \'smell\' in the next few days
Melting carrier bag on the centre exhaust box, is what it turned out to be, well done on your armchair diagnosis Andrew -Another good post from the TUNE-UP Boys.
Over the last week I have noticed a hot (Almost burning)smell when I park the car after a fast run.Similar to the smell when a new exhaust first gets hot.
>>I suspect the clutch (I think it is the original) but I cannot detect any slipping in normal driving.
Normally a slipping clutch will smell like rotten eggs. Very pungent. Try pulling away in a higher gear - say 2nd or 3rd to add extra load to the clutch.
100k for a Vauxhall clutch is very good. Generally all my previous manual Vauxhalls have failed by the 85k mark.
At least on the Vauxhall replacing the clutch is easy.
I agree. 40mins on average to change one previously. However, on the latest, its an engine out job. See HJ\'s Car by Car breakdown.
Done over 158,000 miles on my original cavalier clutch and it was still going strong!