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309 stalling and clunking - dave18
My 309 1.4i is due, probably over-due for a service. I'm assuming poor condition of leads and/or plugs is the reason why it a) is getting quite sluggish from cold and b) stalls if the throttle is blipped very slightly when idling. Acceleration when warm is fine, and I got 43ish MPG on a long journey recently involving not the kindest of treatment towards the car.
However is there anything else to consider as a reason for stalling and the iffy running from cold?
Clunking: still a problem; I posted a while ago. Both driveshafts have been replaced (CV joints failed on the nearside and the offside shaft became very loose at the gearbox casing recently, causing the 'wobbling' which I have also posted about.) It sometimes makes prounounced clunking noises when a pothole is hit, and does something similar when moving away or dropping down a couple of gears to overtake. This problem remains a mystery because it passed the MOT fine, it was doing it before the MOT, and both driveshafts have been replaced.
309 stalling and clunking - John S

The clunking is probably worn bushes, ball joints or shocks in the front suspension. Could also be worn engine mounts. Unfortunately MOTs are not foolproof, and don't always pick up such defects. My Minor passed MOTs with severely worn trunnions.


John S