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SAAB Diesel starting problems - Nick Ireland
Help and/or advice please. Nne month out of warranty my partner's SAAB 9-3 2.2 turbo diesel is proving reluctant to start, first time anyway. I think it is the same engine as in the 2.2 Frontera. At UK temperatures we never see the diesel glow plug light - I think the plugs only operate at very low temperatures. It won't start, but it does if you keep trying and once it cut out after it had started.

The local SAAB agent has had it in for a day and can't find anything wrong but it still won't start first time every time. They say that any further checking will involve taking things to bits to assist the diagnosis and obvioulsy this will will run up a bill, and quite rightly. Can any Back Roomers suggest a fruitful area of investigation? The engine obviously has to have fuel under pressure to start and run. Once it does start, it runs OK. All help most welcome
Re: SAAB Diesel starting problems - John Davis

"I think the plugs only operate at very low temperatures"

Nick, I stand to be corrected by others who are conversant with your model (which I am not) but, the glow plug, pre heat system, generally, is not a feature to assist starting in low outside temperatures but, to give the diesel engine (in any ambient temperature) that initial heat to allow the fuel to be ignited on starting. The high compression (and heat) which the engine then gives to the fuel, then becomes the method of ignition. My thoughts would be, with your engine, that there IS a problem with the glow plug pre-heat system and that this would be the area in which to start your investigations
Re: SAAB Diesel starting problems - JohnD
Hi Nick - Your problem is either glo-plugs or air in the fuel lines. Your preheat system will normally function every time you switch on. If two gloplugs are down, it will make initial starting very difficult. Each plug needs to be tested. Air in the fuel lines will give almost identical difficult initial starting. You probably have a priming pump close to your fuel filter. If so, a few strokes or squeezes on the primer will perhaps be sufficient to give you a start. However, my bet will be on the plugs!
Re: SAAB Diesel starting problems - JohnL
Direct injection diesel engine glow plugs only operate for a very short period. It may be that diesel is draining back into the tank possibly due to an air leak. Is it parked on a slope overnight ? Try parking it facing in the opposite direction.
Re: SAAB Diesel starting problems - known intermit - Mike H
This is a known problem, caused by faulty injector seals. It took my local deater a week to find the technical bulletin which referred. Symptoms were poor cold starting. The car was a perfect starter even in deep midwinter, but suddenly it started to "stop starting" if you see what I mean. It gradually got worse, eventually needing a 3-4 minute churn to get it going. Once started, no problems, and not usually a problem when hot. It does not affect all 9-3 TiDs, and the dealer will only fix if it is a problem. The faulty batch of injector seals gradually break down, allowing engine oil into the injector system. This means that the diesel is diluted with engine oil when it sits around (usually) all night - hence difficult starting. My car was off the road for two weeks, but luckily, being a company car, I had a hire vehicle.

Hope this helps Nick, get in touch directly if you need to discuss.
SAAB Diesel starting problems - Long
You are welcome to browse the website://www.le-mark.com. All-Ceramic glow plug for diesel engine can provide below performance: High temperature(1250°C), Rapid heating up(<1 Sec. to 1000°C), Long life, High strength, etc.
