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Shiny plastic - J Bonington Jagworth
We just bought a s/h Mazda that had been valeted, and the silly b's had spread that plastic 'restorer' all over the top of the dash. I don't care for shiny plastic at the best of times (it gives out the same message as shiny tyres, IMHO) but making the area under the windscreen reflective is just plain stupid. I used alcohol to get it off and it's taken two or three applications to remove it completely. Has anyone else had this experience, or are valeters on the Isle of Wight peculiarly dim?
Re: Shiny plastic - David W
For such areas there is a matt dash product. Brings back the colour without excess shine.

The bits that cracks me up is finding the steering wheel like a slippery eel.

Re: Shiny plastic - J Bonington Jagworth
I forgot - we had that, too! I'd be interested in anything that made the surface more matt - the instrument binnacle still reflects a bit, and short of covering it with black velvet...
Re: Shiny plastic - THe Growler
The car detailers love to go OTT with the Armor-All where I live; I have found warm water and washing up liquid applied not too harshly with a scrubbing brush can help get rid of the annoying shine.
Re: Shiny plastic - ton
Re: Shiny plastic - Ian Cook
I had this experience on a ZX. Also the smell of the stuff they used took about 6 weeks to fade.
