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No cars on the moon ? - Steve G
The "cars on mars" thread reminded me of this:
In a Jeremy Clarkson article in the Times JC pointed out the recent findings of satelite mapping of the moon.Recently a satelite photographed every inch of the moon but to the surprise of the researchers no trace of the Buggy (motoring link) or equipment used by the Americans in 1969 could be found.
JC suggested two possible reasons for this:
1). Alien space wombles had cleaned them away.
2). The Americans never landed on the moon.
The latter will agree with conspiracy theories that have been around for years.The landing on the moon was filmed in a studio.
Makes you wonder......
Re: No cars on the moon ? - David W

I read the most convincing article about the "faked" moon landings a while ago.

Re: No cars on the moon ? - ChrisR
The only thing *against* the possibility of the moon landings having been faked is the excellent special effects. Take a look at Hollywood movies from 1968/1969 or even later. Are the special effects bad or what? Is suppose you could argue that the moon landing footage is very short so they could have thrown a lot of money at a few minutes' worth. And what about that buggy turning up on Blue Peter? Did Peter Purves persuade NASA to let him have it in a complex blackmail arrangement?

Purves: Let me have the buggy for children's TV in England.

NASA spokesperson: No.

Purves: I'll tell the kids you faked it, and they believe everything I say.

NASA spokesperson (sounding shaken): OK, how does Monday afternoon sound?

Purves: Fine. Now throw in the mats and flaps and we have a deal.

Re: No cars on the moon ? - David W
As a kid, and about that time, I had the pleasure of a personal tour at the BBC. After Blue Peter was transmitted we went onto the set. Valerie Singleton was charming (still have her Blue Peter badge from that day), John Noakes dashing about like a mad thing and Peter Purves...well the strain of covering up on the moon landing was showing...very offhand.

It all fits!

Re: No cars on the moon ? - ian (cape town)
I never liked Peter Purvis - always seemed windy to me...
while noakes was climbing nelsons column, creeping round sewers, jumping out of aeroplanes, Purvis was sitting in the studio, making laddish things like dioramas... (though i recall he did do speedway once)
Amazing, isn't it? over 25 years on, and we best remember the 70s for Blue Peter, not for 3 day weeks, powercuts, fuel rationing, (obligatory motoring link), Edward Heath, etc etc etc...
Bring back nostalgia, that's what I say!
Re: No cars on the moon ? - Flat in Fifth
If you ever get the chance to visit Kennedy Space Center (sic) you simply must. Especially if you are like me and was at school watching the "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" on a live transmission.

I don't know if they landed on the moon or not. Just looking at the Lunar Lander, made of gold foil and sticky tape, (I kid you not) does make you wonder. Not to mention the Lunar Rover, (on topic) though they do admit that the one on display is a mockup as a real one is not strong enough to support its own weight under earth?s gravity.

If they really did go to and land on the moon then those guys had the biggest b*ll**ks ever.

Whether its real or not I don't care, it is.... THE..... most...... awe...... inspiring..... man made place I reckon I have ever ever ever visited. The scale of the place is unbelievable. For example take the building where they assemble the Shuttle, you will see the Stars and Stripes flag displayed up in the top left hand corner of the building. Then they tell you the height of the flag is equivalent to a 30+ storey building (I think it was 33! ) and that each stripe is wide enough to drive an 18 wheeler truck along it at full speed and not go over the edges of the stripe.

I arrived as the place opened, they had to kick me out at closing time and I still did not see everything. If you go take the "Nasa up close and personal tour" you get to go right out to the launch pad.
Re: No cars on the moon ? - El Dingo (Martin)
Flat, (do you mind if I call you 'Flat'?)

I can't wait to go.....
If I can persuade 'She Who Might Bale Out' (the amphibious car) we'll go.
Actually, I have persuaded her, but I told her that I won't go unless we see a shuttle launch...

See www-pao.ksc.nasa.gov/kscpao/status/stsstat/current...m

Re: No cars on the moon ? - Flat in Fifth
By saying the Lunar Rover Car (on topic) was a mockup have I destroyed Mr Purves credibility for all time?

Plus can you imagine a kids programme presenter with a name which sounds similar to pervs getting away with it in todays PC society?
Re: No cars on the moon ? - ian (cape town)
Flat, let's not even DISCUSS Captain Pugwash...
Re: No cars on the moon ? - El Dingo (Martin)
OK, Master Mates.

Re: No cars on the moon ? - markymarkn
I have read that the shuttle hangar is one of the few buildings in the world to have its own weather system! It rains INSIDE apparently!

And those shuttle transporters.... FiF did you get to see one? Perfect for the school run I should imagine...

Re: No cars on the moon ? - Flat in Fifth

"And those shuttle transporters.... FiF did you get to see one? Perfect for the school run I should imagine..."

Yep, not so good for speed bumps though. The inclusive standard tour takes you round various standard exhibition type places.

The up close tour takes you right round the place, you get to get out of the coach, or at least we did, and look around the crawler transporters but not on them due to security. The size of the track links, not sure toetectors would be much use if one dropped on your foot! Like to see Salvage Squad restore one of those in 2 weeks. Mind you they could do with a coat of paint so they'd be all right on that bit.

You also get out by the road where they transport the shuttle up to the pad, into the International Space station assembly hall plus a whole heap of other stuff.

I think the tour varies according to what is going on. I think we were only allowed so close to one of the Shuttle launch pads because there was no launch imminent. Even so the security guys were getting pretty jumpy at one point, shall we say envelopes were pushed to the limit. Maybe I had a good tour guide, he was actually a retired aerospace engineer so he talked our language as opposed to dumbed down tourist speak.

I'm going back with the family this year, only regret is there will neither expendable vehicle nor shuttle launch whilst we are there, school holidays have a lot to answer for in my opinion!

Re: No cars on the moon ? - markymarkn
I should of said I went there in 1993.

There was a launch sheduled during the time we were in florida but unfortunately it was cancelled due to the weather or something.

The size of it all and the huge expense that has gone into the US space program(me?) is something that can't really be appreciated until you've stood and looked at it for real.


Re: No cars on the moon ? - Alwyn
More links here.



How did they get through the Van Allen belts? No dust on landing of lunar module. No rocket plume on lift off from Moon. USA plate brightly lit; rest in shadow etc. etc. etc.

I saw an hour long special from Fox News which pointed out all the flaws. Some of the shadow anomalies can be explained by rising terrain but there are some photos with crosshairs "behind" the subjects when they should be in front or overlaid, not underlaid.

On the other hand, if it was a hoax, why did the USSR not blow the whistle?
Re: No cars on the moon ? - ian (cape town)
Alwyn wrote:

> On the other hand, if it was a hoax, why did the USSR not
> blow the whistle?
Because the Mir space station was, in fact, in a warehouse outside Minsk? ;)

Remember that movie Capricorn One? (circa 78) about the supposed USA Mars Landing - also a big scam?