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focus estate problems any advice please - rob baker
with my new second hand focus i have a few problems can anyone please offer advice on the following:

1 creaking rear offside door. when you close the door it makes terrrible creaking noise. oil? or structural?
2 air con smells of chemicals - is this dangerous? how can i get rid of
3 rear hatch doesnt open fully - gas lift problem? or just oiling bits?
4 front driver electric window opens all the way despite very short press on the control. passenger side only opens all way if hold swithc down momentarily
5 rear hatch makes terrible slam noise when closing - does lock need adjusting or are they all like this?
6 as i have just bought from dealer should i ask him to sort out the above free of charge? even so would still like to know solutions to above problems.
many thanks
Re: focus estate problems any advice please - Andy P
I've limited experience of the Focus, but some of the problems sound familiar:

1. Sound like the contraption which holds the door open needs greasing. It's the curved metal piece that runs from the pillar to the door above the bottom hinge.
2. Try running the air-con with the temperature on hot for ten minutes or so. It may be mildew or similar in the vents. If so, do this on a regular basis.
3. Most probably the gas struts.
4. Most driver's windows operate on a 'one touch'. One touch sends the window all the way down, one touch sends it all the way back up again. You should be able to stop it by pressing the switch again.
5. Pass
6. There's no harm in asking.

Re: focus estate problems any advice please - KB
Andy gives a sensible selection of answers, but why are you hesitant about returning to the dealer? Was it so cheap that you think you're not entitled to these small fixes? Or something else? Ordinarily you would be perfectly entitled to mention these things. What sort of warranty was there? What is a bit more worrying is the possibility of something slightly more serious in view of the fact that it sounds as though the car hasn't been looked after all that well judging by what you say. Is there more to this than meets the eye?

Re: focus estate problems any advice please - Dave N
Wasn't it you that had the gearbox problems? If so, I should get back to the dealer and start doing a bit of demanding. Looking back, you may have been better off rejecting it as soon as you had the gearbox problem (if it was you), but it's too late now though.

I always used to find that standing at the head of the inevitable queue in the service department, and using a raised voice, often helps speed things up a bit. Plus get a decent courtesy car and don't give it back until you are entirely happy with the response.
Re: Focussing on the Problem - Ronnie Courtney
"last Thursday 31 jan 02 i bought a ford focus estate (may 99 T reg, 45000 miles, uk supplied, £6600) from a local garage (ex ford agent). I had it inspected (Green Flag) no major faults found (just exhausts + couple of minor things)"

Further to KB and Dave N's comments, and having just done a search under your name, and looked back at the string of problems you have had with your Focus, I find it "virtually unbelievable" that Green Flag found no major faults or, conversely, that you have apparently found no fault with Green Flag. Or is there something you have omitted to tell us ..... ?

Re: Focussing on the Problem - KB
Still no response from rob baker on this one. I don't think many people are taking this one too seriously. Wait to be proved wrong but not holding breath.

Perhaps it broke down due to the numerous problems it was apparently suffering from, and 'rob' is still looking for a phone box to ring the dealer from whence it came.

BTW 'rob' are you at onetel.net or hotmail.com? Do come back and tell all.

Re: Focussing on the Problem - rob baker
hi everyone and thanks for all of your help. yes i did have it green flag inspected and they did pick up some minor things (chips on bonnett etc). this is the first second hand car i have bought from a garage and so am not used to dealing with them. yes it was me with the gearbox problem. as for my email address i thought i had set things up so that my address is available to all but if not here it is: robertbaker1962@hotmail.com (for info my isp is indeed onetel but i dont use their email service). in conclusion should i write to the garage outlining all faults and asking for them to be put right?

thanks for all your help everyone
Re: Focussing on the Problem - Iain
But if they solve the tail gate noise I would be interested to know how they did it as my wifes Focus tail gate when it shuts sounds likes loose corrogated iron flapping about.The noise was inproved a bit by putting some felt under the numberplate wich seems to flex against the body when you shut the tailgate.