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New Punto bulb replacement - John
Can any one advise me how to access the rear of the nearside light cluster to change a brake light bulb on the 5 door New Punto?. I can find one release nut at the top, but not one lower down. (On the offside I can find two nuts)


Re: New Punto bulb replacement - David Nicholls
it involves removing a little plastic plug in the C pillar. then in the spare wheel kit there should be a plastic spanner. this is used like a T bar and undoes the nut , which is a big one, and is the only fixing from memory. its a bit fiddly and is detailed in the handbook....

did it on my sisters punto (3 door BUT GUESS 5 IS THE SAME) last year...not what i would call straightforward. guess that focus's and corsa's are the same with the lights being high up
Re: New Punto bulb replacement - Brian
Don't do what I did on our Pug:- didn't put the replacement bulb in the holder correctly and when I put it back in the housing the da*n thing dropped out.
I now have a spare bulb rolling round the back light which is totally impossible to get out without removing the entire rear light fitting!