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Tyre Sealant - Peter
Has anybody had any experiences with TyreSafe tyre sealant which was featured on BBC Tomorrows World last year?
Website www.tyresafe.co.uk.

They claim that "this product is not a "get you home" fix it. Once TYRESAFE is applied, the product will seal punctures permanently. "

My concerns are that should you install the sealant, and then have a puncture, and "permanent" seal is then made. If one later had to have a blow-out or something go wrong on the tyre resulting in damage to the car - how would the insurance company treat such a "permanent repair". Would I have to inform them that I have placed a sealant in my tyres which could hide potentially dangerous damage to the tyre, without being aware that any damage had been done?

Reason for asking: My car is converted to LPG, and then tank is in the spare-wheel well, and yes, you guessed it, I don't carry a spare. So, I was contempting on getting some of this tyre sealant put in my tyres.

Re: Tyre Sealant - Andrew Hamilton
I had a puncture in my bike tyre years ago. Put in this pressurised tyre sealing liquid. It inflated tyre and got me home. Similarly with a car tyre. Then I could deal with the problem at home or take it to the garage and let them deal with it.
However leaving liquid inside a tyre would cause problems if it cured into random size balls of rubber over the years. This might cause vibration and difficulty in balancing.
Re: Tyre Sealant - Rob Govier
The word on the street is that this stuff is like garlic to a vampire to the tyre trade. . They consistently claim that it renders the tyre unrepairable, and elicits clenching of teeth and steady intake of breath, loss of eye contact, and a lowering of the voice. "can't repair that, mate; nothing will stick to it after you've put that stuff in".

Or is this all just a scam to make us buy new tyres?

I carry a can on both vehicles, but only to use "in extremis" to get me away from a dangerous situation where attempting to fit a spare may turn me into human roadkill. In those cases "Sod the tyre cost, i'd rather see my children grow up."

Re: Tyre Sealant - Peter
This sealant is permanently in your tyres - it isn't the cans of latex which you spray into your tyre once you get a puncture.
A permanent repair as opposed to a get-yourself-home temporary fix, which the tyre repair blokes hate!
Re: Tyre Sealant - Tom Shaw
I woud hate to spend four hours on a motorway at 70mph on a tyre which had been "repaired" with sealant. After a puncture it is essential that the tyre is inspected for damage that may not be apparant on the outside. I speak as the victim of an 80mph blowout some years back.
Re: Tyre Sealant - markymarkn
Apparently this stuff can knacker alloy wheels when it sticks to the inside of your rims - probably because the gorilla that hacks it off when changing your tyre will hack off the laquer as well.

Re: Tyre Sealant - Paul
If it's similar to the 'get you home' repair cans, and I don't see why it's too different, I can affirm the horrible qualities of these products, if only on motorcycle tyres. Twice now have used it, the first happily and the next out of desperation, to have two independent and respected m/c tyre dealers(who have done good repairs before, know me and are not grabbing for business) pretty well refuse to repair on the basis of the damage this stuff does to the inner coating of the tyres.
If it's permanently in the tyre, I wouldn't trust it on a car, let alone on a bike. What's the small print on the can? Longevity, speed ratings, tyre pressure?
Sorry, tyres are something you don't mess with.
Re: Tyre Sealant - ian (cape town)
Bargepole stuff!
I've heard too many horror stories of damage being "masked" by the stuff, and later tyre failure on a collosal scale.
Re: Tyre Sealant - THe Growler
I think you have to take this stuff for what it is, i.e. a possibly better-than-nothing option to being stranded somewhere you don't want to be, with some risks attached, and nothing more than that. In a case like that a new tire, if required.,may be cheaper than the other options, i.e. towing etc. I have used the usual stuff (not this new product) twice, and have had no difficulty getting the punctures in both mended. However I did so at the first available opportunity within hours of the event. I seem to recall that was advised on the instructions on the can anyway.
Re: Tyre Sealant - Brian
The danger with this type of product is that, if you get a nail in the tyre, the sealant will stop air loss but the nail, being left in the tyre, may cause greater and greater damage until you get a total failure.
It is therefore essential to regularly check the tyre for embedded objects, since their presence will not be revealed by a slow leak.