NA - computer related problem - Gregory II

i have some software that have the file extensions .lpd, .lpc, .lp4 and .lp8. how can i get this software to run on my Pc as i would like to get it to run.



Na - computer related problem - rtj70

You have some files you cannot open then. So you need to buy and install the software that handles those files. i think .lpd is related to labels created by software from avery berkel but could be wrong.

or do you already have the software installed and it no longer opens these files?

Na - computer related problem - Gregory II

it is software that i obtained. it is possible that i will need to read this. Which software package allows me to read this type of data that is available to download from the internet?

Na - computer related problem - Leif

it is software that i obtained. it is possible that i will need to read this. Which software package allows me to read this type of data that is available to download from the internet?

it sounds like you have to install the software. there might be a setup.exe you need to run, or an autorun.bat file. if you cannot see them, it is possible your Pc is hiding system files from you. in that case you will have to adjust the settings for the folder in which you have the files. You do that using explorer.

Na - computer related problem - malteser

I always Google or Scroogle if I have an obscure file extension and the answerr is usually there!

Na - computer related problem - Dynamic Dave

I see Boris's thread has gone unnoticed then ;o)