BMW 3 Series - Buying used car - paperwork advice - stasek

Hi all,

What is the 'paperwork process' of buying an used car.

I want to buy a car from a friend, but dont know what forms to fill and where to send.

I know I need to send *something* to DLVA, and my friend also needs to send something there.

Creating a 'sale receipt' (bill of sale) is also recommended.

But that's all I know.

Could anybody outline the exact process step by step?

Which documents are required etc.


BMW 3 Series - Buying used car - paperwork advice - Collos25

Assuming the log book is present then everything is explained in is content.

BMW 3 Series - Buying used car - paperwork advice - Bobbin Threadbare

DVLA - all your answers should be on there. A lot of the responsibility lies with your friend as the vendor.

BMW 3 Series - Buying used car - paperwork advice - Collos25

No more than the buyer.

BMW 3 Series - Buying used car - paperwork advice - stasek

Thanks, this is what i was looking for.