Driving up the M6 yesterday, a BMW 3 series passed me. It had a "Q" plate, but what puzzled me was that the rear plate itself, and the typeface, must have been ¼ the normal size. It was tiny hardly legible. Didn"t see the front plate.
I thought there were very strict regulations about the size of registration plates?
Dave H
I thought there were very strict regulations about the size of registration plates?
There are. Basically what you do is carry legal ones in the boot. On MOT day, swap the fancy itallic ones for the legal ones. Once MOT passed, put the itallic ones back on.
Even the police don't know which are the legal/illegal ones. They work on the assumption that if the plates aren't the "norm" then stop driver and have a word in his shell like. If you're assertive and clever, you can tie some coppers in knots with mumbo jumbo about the plates conforming to correct standards.
Even the police don't know which are the legal/illegal ones.
Mate used to car top a large dinghy.
He was repeatedly stopped by the fuzz and it narked him somewhat so he looked into the law.
He reckoned there were strictly defined rules on overhangs and he conformed to them all.
From then on he carried documentary evidence for offending rozzers.
Didn't make him popular with them but he *was* right and they were wrong.
We just need to wait 5 minuites while DVD points out the flaws in this tale.
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
Mate used to car top a large dinghy.
He had two fireballs.
About 14 foot long with a longish mast.
One went on a trailor the other on the roof rack.
There was significant overhang of the masts.
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
If it is alright with you Toad I will pass on this one as I am not up to speed on Naval matters.
However, Sect 27, Merchant Shipping Act 1995 - Sec of State may make regulations prescribing the procedure to be followed in connection with the discarge of seamen from UK Ships.(TRUE)
Any you complain about speed cameras......
I can't believe that's the first dodgy plate you've seen though. Characters grossly mis-spaced, white or yellow screw covers discreetly placed to change character, Max Power italics etc etc. The law doesn't seem to be out on the roads these days as they all sit behind cameras, so all manner of construction & use offences, amongst others, can go undetected. If you ever even thought of having "one for the road", passing a panda car on the way home reminded you of the risks of being caught. My guess is todays yoof are probably pushing the legal envelope more and more knowing that they are very unlikely to get caught unless it was speeding past a Gatso.
No, it's not that it's the first dogy plate that I've see - they're all over the place.
It's just that I've never seen one so tiny before (the typeface was normal).
Police are now tightening up on plates and applying the 3 strikes and your out rule. Yes if you are stopped and warned 3 times about your plate you will loose the plate at your expense.
Regards Peter Yes I have a private plate.
There are lots of these 'illegal' type face plates on cars but you do face the potential hazard of being stopped by plod if your car has them. Every so often they have a blitz around my area.
Since the new 51 style registrations came in, the regulations for type face, spacing and size have been tighten up. Part of the reason for this was that the scameras could read the plates.
Oh forgot to add. If anyone needs a reference when 'debating' with plod at the side of the road, you can buy the Traffic Police Officer's Guide-Handbook from any good book store.
It is an official aid to plod in the course of his her duty! Fore warned is fore armed.