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Peugeot 406 coupe - tonyh
My son is thinking of buying a 406 coupe,I would welcome any thoughts or comments anyone would like to submit,cheers tonyh
Peugeot 406 coupe - Andy22
don't bother!

Looks good, mechanically isn't.
Peugeot 406 coupe - Mark (RLBS)
Really ? My Mother likes these and we were kind of getting resigned to the idea.

What goes wrong with them ?
Peugeot 406 coupe - Blue {P}
Can't give a subjective opinion but I've read it many, many times that you have to have a picture of the thing stuck to the dashboard to remind you what you're driving, it's that dull.
Peugeot 406 coupe - Andy22
well don't about driving (mine 406 saloon), but look at the car by car breakdown and add on expensive parts and dealers and suspect depreciation.

my opinion for a similar type of car i don't know, nothings of similar styling, maybe a new shape toyota celica?
Peugeot 406 coupe - The Watcher
If buying brand new, be prepared for serious depreciation on the coupé. It drops quicker than a lead balloon.

Its a nice looking car but for its size doesn't have that much room. Some Pugs seem to be ok mechanically while others have lots of niggly problems.

Oh, and don't buy a white one!
Peugeot 406 coupe - Richard_H
Although even I have to admit that its a good looking car, its French.

Be prepared for huge repair bills, unreliabilty and those famous french electrical problems.

I've seen W and X reg ones for 7,000 which should tell you how fast they shed value.

Still, a good looking car though. Who would have though that the hideous 406 could look so good ?
Peugeot 406 coupe - Citroënian {P}
One thing the French are good at are diesels.

Was shocked to hear a 406 Coupe chug past me in Paris last week, obviously with a Diesel engine. Give it the 2.2HDi or the 2.1TD and it'd be plenty fast enough, so perhaps that's a more sensible option.

You'd still have bizarre electrics though!

Peugeot 406 coupe - Boff
Speaking as someone who actually has one rather than just having an opinion to air, I will say that my '98 V6 Coupe has required attention once in the 6 months I have owned it (manifold pressure sensor problem, quite common on Volvos as well I believe). Apart from that it has been electrically and mechanically faultless. It performs brilliantly on 194 bhp(Optimax makes it go even better), gives about 30 mpg, is a full 4 seater, has a large boot, yes really, turns heads wherever it goes (Ferrari red, debadged) and makes me smile every time I drive it. Like anything else, buy the best you can afford and look after it. Oh and they are built in Italy at the Pininfarina factory by the way. See HJs car-by-car breakdown for another enthusiastic review..
Peugeot 406 coupe - Jim
French is flimsy quality. Don't buy French.
Peugeot 406 coupe - Boff
Jim are poor at grammar. Don't listen Jim..
As it happens I agree, my wife has owned 3 small Peugeots (one 205, two 106s) and they have indeed been flimsy, and I wouldn't buy a Renault if they paid me, however the 406 Coupe is built and was designed in Italy and while that is not historically a guarantee of build quality, in this case they do seem to have produced a good quality car, in my experience anyway. FWIW.
Peugeot 406 coupe - Crombster
My girlfriend looked at one 6 months ago, and although it was a very nice looking car I was rather surprised to find the same 2.0 lump that was in my dads old Xantia. For some reason that made it less attractive, even though that engine wasn't particularly bad in the Xantia.

A V6 would no doubt increase the appeal...

Peugeot 406 coupe - sorrera
Fantastic looking car, getting rave reviews by used car buyers in the know.
See recent (Sept?)Used car buyer magazine for things to look out for.
Post 99 V6 gives superior torque but loses a bit on the 0-60.
Inside isn't anything to write home about, but still, for posing about it is the outside that matters.