Back in March HJ wrote
Apparently (and, of course legal + plod-u-like comment is invited) if you get NIPped by a digital camera, all you ahve to do is write back and ask if the image of your car on which the conviction is based is enhanced. It inevitably will be, but (apparently) this constituted "tampering with evidence" which renders the evidence inadmissible in court and the case against you will be dropped.
Now SWMBO has been very naughty and got a NIP for contravening a red traffic light. I do not want to get into the sort of debate that I caused about bus lane fines etc (which I paid because I couldn't be bothered to argue) but this is different because of the points. Also not sure whether a digi-cam or not.
As I am a relative NIP virgin, what can be done? (Note the word can, not should as I know she should pay up etc)
By coincidence, something very similar has happened to my SWMBO (or SWMno longerBO, as she is now known), for speeding. The NIP says "This allegation is supported by video evidence". Ditto the last line as well, by the way. Nevertheless, can anyone provide a link to the original thread on the HJ site?
If the police reply that the image was enhanced, what is the next step - write to them ourselves or pay a brief to do it?
Depends if you want to suffer DIBDOC.
(Deep Inflow of Breath, Deep Outflow of Cash)
There was a thread on 3/1/02 called "Speed cameras and a right to silence", might be worth looking at that (I printed it off at the time, never know when it might come in handy......!).