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Wheel alignment tools - Gregory II
I am looking to do some home DIY maintenance on my car and motorcycle and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good, easy to use wheel alignment tool?


Changed to remove make/model and assign to Parts and Accessories category - the closest fit.

Edited by rtj70 on 09/11/2009 at 15:31

Wheel alignment tools - Old Navy
Gunson do a device called a "Trackrite" which is a drive over wheel alignment gauge. An internet search will find them, I have seen them on auction sites.

Edited by Old Navy on 09/11/2009 at 15:39

Wheel alignment tools - bathtub tom
I understand these are only good for new tyres. If a tyre has been worn by incorrect wheel alignment then they can give a false reading.
Wheel alignment tools - gordonbennet
I used to check my own wheel alignment by using a thin copper tube (probably 6 and 4mm) with another inside that made a reasonably tight sliding fit.

I would lie under the front of the vehicle and offer the admittedly heath robinson measuring tool up to the inside edge of the front wheels at as near the centre line as i could manage.
Obviously if suspension or other parts in the way meant i could only get 2/3rds up to the centre line then i'd approximate the same point on the front/rear of the wheel, and adjust my measurements accordingly.

It worked surprisingly well considering, the important bit being to push the car forward and not let it move back after stopping before taking measurements.

Probably as good a job as that performed professionally by a disinterested youth with equipment that gets kicked daily around the tyre bay.
Wheel alignment tools - bell boy
i did a piece on this for another forum many years ago GB
I recommended a sliding metal clothes prop as sold at wilkinsons at the time for less than a fiver
i still have my working model in the garden but it was sequestrated by the wife for line duties
Wheel alignment tools - gordonbennet
I recommended a sliding metal clothes prop as sold at wilkinsons at the time for
less than a fiver

Which Wikkies part number is that BB, i wouldn't mind having one for the rare time.
Wheel alignment tools - bell boy
Which Wikkies part number is that BB, i wouldn't mind having one for the rare time

homewares isle 3 3rd shelf down on the left ;-)

Wheel alignment tools - jc2
You'll only need to use it if the tyres are wearing unevenly;if they're not,leave them alone;on a motor bike,use a plank!If you need to do it-drive the vehicle forward;if it's FWD the wheels pull forward-if it's RWD they settle back.

Edited by jc2 on 09/11/2009 at 16:59

Wheel alignment tools - FotheringtonThomas
Use a straight edge.
Wheel alignment tools - Gregory II

Would this item both be able to to achieve wheel alignment and sprocket/ chain alignment, or is my mechanical thought process incorrect?

Wheel alignment tools - piston power
Going back some 20yrs ago and no more there were some real gauges made by Dunlop which had a eye sight glass you looked down and these fitted to both front wheels with a piece of elastic and gauges on both sides,

Also another that had a bulb fitted on side and a mirror on the other and again used a gauge, back then these were the dogs hooter but soon became outdated.

You must be able to pick these up cheap on the likes of e bay or a garage clearance sale, now everybody uses 4x wheel alignment.
Wheel alignment tools - Harleyman
Don't know whether this'll work on Jap bikes, but on Harleys the rear drive belt sprocket is aligned by using a home-made tool which is no more than a bent piece of wire. Correct alignment is crucial on these belts to prevent uneven wear.

See piccy here; tinyurl.com/ykeblls

And here's how it works.


I don't see why the tool shouldn't be useful for checking other bikes with a forked swingarm.

Wheel alignment tools - ifithelps
How reassuring that in 2009 there's still a place for a special tool made of a bent piece if wire.

Reminds me of the trader who once showed me his 'clocking kit' - various bent pieces of wire designed to reach the odometer dials of different cars.

Many had little rubber sleeves to prevent scratching the numerals as you clicked the tens of thousands back a couple of notches.

Dishonest, but ingenious.

Wheel alignment tools - Gregory II
Can anyone recommend if the trackrite alignment tools are good and accurate. With the picture showing how to complete the wheel alignment of motorbikes, there was no picture there. Could someone illustrate this for me.

Wheel alignment tools - FotheringtonThomas
No idea, but, as before, you'd be better off going to Jewson and buying a decent bit of board.
Wheel alignment tools - freddy1
there you go DIY £1 shop special

and it works!

Wheel alignment tools - FotheringtonThomas
Hey! That's nice! Bit fiddly, though.

Also, Speedmasters front and rear - the rear looks rather too fat for the rim. Looks as though he doesn't corner fast.
Wheel alignment tools - freddy1
i have built the above , and use it for 2 enfields , one uses avon "deathmasters" the other , avon roadriders ( 90/90 X 19 ft and 100/90 X 19, rear) i find it works quite good
Wheel alignment tools - FotheringtonThomas
avon "deathmasters"

Haven't heard of that before, but "skidmasters" and similar yes.
Wheel alignment tools - freddy1
same tyres ,,, different name
Wheel alignment tools - Simon
On a bike just use a couple of box sections of steel either side of the rear wheel projecting forwards to show how it aligns with the front wheel.

Or if you want a real cheap simple solution use the 'string method'.
Wheel alignment tools - zookeeper
or the mega cheap method, try braking in the wet in a straight line and see which way the back steps out
Wheel alignment tools - piston power
Can't you just guess it and hope for the best? i think that is what vauxhall did with my new astra in 06 new tyres required a year later.!
Wheel alignment tools - Cliff Pope
You presumably just mean tracking? That is easy to do with very rudimentary DIY bits. Mine is a wooden pole with brackets with captive nuts for adjustable bolts.

There is a lot more to full wheel alignment than just tracking though.
Wheel alignment tools - Gregory II
there you go DIY £1 shop special
and it works!

Where could I purchase lasers to make a wheel alignment tool as per the above post?
Wheel alignment tools - freddy1
probably on ebay , as i think the guy quoted , failing that try the pound shop after xmas ,,,,2 for one sale.