Id agree that tinting all but the front side windows and windscreen looks daft.
But the question is why do it? A good pair of sunglasses works a lot better I think.
All these new 4x4s seem to do it, X5, MLs etc, they look like hearses. One daft bloke around our way did his so dark he has to drive with drivers window down in winter, cos he can't see a thing out of it.
My ML has all but the windscreen tinted, and it seems that this is how it left the factory. The fronts are less dark than the back. With a baby in the back it's a great help as we don't need a side visor now. But I would be happier to have the fronts clear.
It keeps the car cooler in the summer. My omega has very dark glass as standard all round, probably the limit for tinting. I find the car is far cooler than my previous cavalier which only had the green slightly tinted glass, when left closed up in the sun.
SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
Try a FogCity amber insert next time it's due for replacement. It's legal and stops your visor misting up as well. I keep a summer visor with one of these fitted and it's the DBs.
Without stating the obvious, this one was for Tom. It would look silly in the windscreen of a Scenic.
I've been put off FogCity inserts by reports that it is very difficult to fit correctly. Was that the case, or is it straight forward?
That told me then. I do think it is quite a good security thing - ie people cannot see inside your vehicle without being too obvious. And contrary to popular opinion I think they look good - as I am also a motorcyclist, you can see I support minority groups. Incidentally, Peter Bottomley was Minister of Transport when tinted motorcycle visors were banned - a truly dangerous law.
No, just take a little care and line the insert up properly. The only one I've had go wrong was stuck in like a roll of sellotape by a spotty salesman at MotorcycleCity. First and last time time someone else fits it. It's the only anti fog product I've had that works 100%. I wish I was on commission.....
Someone was convicted recently for driving a Range Rover with factory-fitted tinted windows, because the tint was too dark.
There is a requirement for a percentage of available light to pass through, and the report I read said the police were able to measure it. Don't know if that's correct.
My son's pal bought a Saxo with tint added, in the form of stick-on film. It had been fitted professionally, but suffered vertical creases all over the place, and scratched when the windows were lowered/raised. Police used it as an excuse to stop and breath test. He, too was told the tint was too dark.
I reckon the earlier suggestion of sunglasses is the better bet. Don't wear shades..........make you look like a table lamp.
I too have seen many cars with very dark tinting - in fact there is a nearby car stereo centre which also offers a tinting service. I think people do it to kid themselves they look like Hollywood film stars.
On a serious note though, I wonder how long it will be before someone's involved in a mjor shunt and has their insurance made void because the tinting was either illegal or considered to be a contributory factor. You know what insurance companies are like !!
Perhaps Mark could shed some light on this issue.
Dear Paul,
I'd be interested to learn some more about that Range Rover story. You wouldn't happen to have a URL for it, would you? If not, can you remember any other facts? E.g. Was it a UK/ EEC spec vehicle?
CMark...........sorry, can't remember more than I've already said. It was either in the national press or motoring press, and said the car was sold with factory-fitted tints. That's what caught my attention, I find it hard to believe the factory releases something that doesn't comply. The press might, of course, have made a mistake, but they don't usually do that, do they? (cough).........
I might have the hard copy somewhere. If I can find it, I'll e-mail more detail.
Anyone else remember the story ?
Is there anyone out there who can advise what the Road Traffic Act lays down in this respect?
70% in the visible spectrum
Have as yet been unable to come up with anything which specifically mentions tinting windows other than
Reg 32 (10)Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) regs
which state for vehicle first used before 1.4.85 all windows should have a visual transmission for light of not less than 70%
After 1.4.85 windscreens 75%, other windows 70%
(with partial exemptions)
The car could not have been a UK or EC spec vehicle - it would not have met homologation requirements. Same applies to Australian, US and Japanese specs.
It may have been something like Saudi spec. Most likely the tint had actually been applied aftermarket.
I can assure you, LR engineers are well aware of the law in this area.
Absolutely, Cyd!
As an ex-LR engineer myself, I was curious to get some more info on this story.
I did a web search (using the BBC website) using keywords "range tinted police" but couldn't find anything relevant.
Probably just poor reporting along the lines of the "diesel Subaru" we read about in the recent "Frying Squad" case!!!
Send me an email to tell me what you used to do - I was an engineer at LR for 9 yrs too (to '98).
I always allow myself a wry chuckle when the UK discovers something that has been de rigeur for decades in other places.
Air conditioning was one, now we have tinting.
Not so chuckle worthy is the typical UK Nanny reaction: it's new, we don't understand it, it's getting far too popular, so we'll ban it and just to make sure we'll produce all kinds of nit-picking tests to justify why you can't have it.
Change is inevitable, progress is optional.
Note that the 75% requirement applies to windscreens only. The 70% requirement applies to side windows forward of the B pillar. There is no requirement for windows rearwards of the B pillar - hence darker rear windows out of the factory.
Spot on there, Growler. They do love to meddle. I recall that early (70's and possibly 80's) Toyotas and Nissans had nice blue tinted windscreens that seemed to give a particularly clear view, but that these disappeared, doubtless for the reasons you summarise. Plus ca change...
Hi Anthony,
I have had the windows on my 98 Shogun tinted, cost me £325, would be about £30 less on an import cos they dont have the sliding windows in the rear.
Took about a day to do, and yes my front windows are slightly lighter than the backs, having said that the backs are not totaly blacked out.
They are not new windows by the way, it is a sticky film that is put on.
I lost the purchase of a 98 Grand voyager through tints, I secured a deal on this voyager including my PX, THEN THE DAY BEFORE I was to collect it the MAIN dealer rang to say "we have just realised the front tints are illegal". I had the option of either them taking the tints out or the expression was "you can take a chance"!! I said I would take a chance and this was agreed on the phone.
However the next day, minutes away from the deal, I had a bit of paper thrusted under my nose saying "I am aware these windows are illegal and take full responsability", I was expected to sign this disclaimer. We had an argument, I said they should have previously mentioned the disclaimer and ended up losing the sale! Ended up with this facelift 98 Shogun and am far more happier!
Thats my first reply on what looks like a great site!!
"cost me £325"
"my 98 Shogun"
No comment required...
Seem to remember it cost me lest than £2 to do mine myself on the old Singer Chamois. (All lurkers under 40 go What?)
(1) it was a very long time ago
(2) i'd already done the whiplash aerial / concrete the front boot / t-bar gearstick mods
(3) as a comparison, at the same time, a COMPLETE exhaust system (ha) cost £4.70
(4) I made a real pigs ear of it and spent the next six months scraping the stuff off.
(5) I've decided windows are best for looking through.
I have to grow old - but I don't have to grow up
Sorry.... my first posting.... something wrong?
Re the "98 shogun" no commemnt etc etc??
Don't worry, clark, most of us are daft...........
See, I can't even get your name right, clarky.......