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Vauxhall Omega MV6 coolant leak? - scotguy
I have an Omega MV6 2000 new face lift model, just bought it. The computer complains about two things:

Coolant Level - when its fine, toped up to the level for cold, been like that for two weeks, has NOT gone down any.

Washer Level - this again has been toped up to the full. And works.

What I dont understand is why the dumb computer still thinks that the washer and coolant level's are both low?

What can I do to resolve this - any ideas? Try resetting the computer? Are Vauxhalls renound for this error message in the new models?

Vauxhall Omega MV6 coolant leak? - Dizzy {P}
This is getting more and more like an Omega Owners Forum! Lovely car though and I always read the postings with interest. Buying nearly-new gives a massive saving and so buyers have quite a bit in hand to pay for the occasional repair.

I have no experience of Omega systems but coolant sensors and the like, on any car, do sometimes fail and should not be very expensive (perhaps £10-£15). It might be worth trying this before getting a dealer to investigate the computer, or messing with it yourself.
Vauxhall Omega MV6 coolant leak? - svpworld
Well must be good publicity here for Omega's! I reckon they will soon be hard to find on forecourts!
SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
Vauxhall Omega MV6 coolant leak? - robert
This section sponsored by Vauxhalls parts dept!
Vauxhall Omega MV6 coolant leak? - svpworld
Well at least they don't get broken into 6 times in 18 months!


SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
Vauxhall Omega MV6 coolant leak? - robert
AND at least the (V6) engines are built in this country ......
Vauxhall Omega MV6 coolant leak? - robert
Hi Scotguy,

Sounds to me like you have faulty sensors for these two. I know from bitter experience that the washer level one is s pig to fix and that although the switch is cheap, its a bumper off job to get to the washer fluid tank.

The coolant level is a float switch. Cable comes in from underneath the header tank. Suggest disconnecting the cable from the connector and try a simple short circuit between the ends of the cable. Either short or open will solve the problem.

Suggest that you fix the coolant problem first - if you can't fix that then its possible it could be the check control module itself which is at fault - I wouldn't even start to know where that is located.


Vauxhall Omega MV6 coolant leak? - jud
As an electrician i would not expect both sensors to be faulty but it is possible, unfortunatly car electrics are far removed from what i deal with in industry. However assuming they are fed with 12volt (and not done in a more advance method), check for power at one of the leads i would expect two connections but again this may not be the case.if the level is low i would expect 12v on each connection, look for a bad connector or a blown fuse.
Vauxhall Omega MV6 coolant leak? - robert
Why not just take the car back to where you got it from? Did you get any form of warranty with it at all?
Vauxhall Omega MV6 coolant leak? - Highland Idler

For what it's worth, my MV6 (1996, 207k..) regularly flashes up complaining of low washer fluid, then may or may not change its mind.

You have discovered one problem with buying a car with lots of bells and whistles: More to go wrong!

Yours aye