I've never met him but my gut feeling is to avoid this car. An engine re-fit at a BMW main dealer would be a different matter.
He was very evasive when I asked would he stand over the engine for a year - £200 for a one year warranty also sounds v.expensive to me.
Thanks for your advice.
I'm with Volvoman on this one.
However if you decide to go ahead, check the engine warranty VERY CAREFULLY.
I bought a Rover 827 some years back and paid an additional sum (c £400 springs to mind) for 1 year warranty. However, when I finally got the documentation through, it only covered very specific components, and then only if they had failed in a very specific way, and only if I had had certain (unnecessary, in my view) service activities done at specific intervals. Also had the usual "deduction for wear and tear" clause. The cover was also capped (£1000 per incident, max 3 incidents, IIRC).
Another lesson learnt...
Might be worth looking at what the warranty would cover but I also agree with the rest of the team here, leave it alone! Gut feeling would say that its still the original engine, as BMW engines would easily get to this mileage if properly serviced (unless he can otherwise prove to you that the engine has been changed). As nice as they seem, there are trolleys full of high mileage second hand beemers for sale at silly low prices. I know of several friends who bought such cars and within months had enormous repair bills on their hands and ended up getting rid of them. Unless its got a proper service history and documentation, I would look elsewhere.
I was very tempted some years ago by a 7 series on a forecourt, only 5 yrs old, automatic, fully loaded, leather etc.. Looked wonderful and price was extremely tempting until I saw the clock, 210,000 miles and very patchy service history (it took a lot of will power to forget it but I dont regret it)
SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
I think you should trust your gut feeling about this car and the dealer. £200 on a warranty from a guy like that is just another £200 added to the money destined for the pit. My brother bought a Porsche 911 from a dealer (£20k) with a 'warranty'. When he had a problem with the car it should have been covered by the warranty but the dealer refused to honour it. The warranty wasn't worth the paper it was printed on and my brother had to swallow a bill for £1100 !
Maybe this warrants a new thread (pun intended) on people's experiences with warranties. When I bought my omega from a very respected local forecourt of who I also bought my previous and very pleased with cavalier (also a fleet model), the dealer was more than happy to give me a full years parts and labour warranty for no extra charge on the car. I've read very carefully through the warranty and its seems to be ok, though I believe any single claim is limited to ~ £1000-£1500. Of course I guess he could easily accomodate the warranty cost and my part ex into the price of the purchased car, but even so it inspires more confidence in the customer. They would also not allow me to drive the car away (despite me being very eager to want to do so!) immediately (after of course buying it!) until they had fully serviced it, given it a new oil and filter change and Mot'd it for a year.
Incidentally there is a local dealer here in Wales who offers a free lifetime warranty, parts and labour on almost any car they sell, as long as you own the car. What do you all make of this?
SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
Good idea about the new thread on warranty experiences I'll start one.
As regards the 'lifetime' warranty - I bet the list of terms/conditions/exclusions is as long as the M4 !