The wifes Maestro TD with power steering is not handling as well as it did.
Seems to lurch a little and is pattery on the road and upset by changing road surfaces.
Not bad but noticable... It has always sat very heavly on the road but has a different feel completely.
I supect the front shock absorbers although the time honoured test of bouncing on the corners and watching the rebound shows nothing.
Looking in the Haynes manual it mentions a special tool which could be home made for removing the bearing on the strut. Resembles a large nut with two pins. If it turns out to be the shock absorber is this tool obtainable?.
Could I have some advice on my diagnosis and if you think it's correct.
The M.O.T style 'bounce' test is not much use unless the shockers are really knackered. Try the 'parking lot test' as described at and then vigorously bounce each corner in turn. The car should settle within 1 bounce. To test them properly, they have to be removed and tested on a rig - you may as well replace them once you've gone to that much effort !
If the car has covered say, at least 50k miles, you may as well replace all 4 for what they cost. The fronts built into McPherson struts can be a pig to remove and are best left to your local garage and never, ever fast fit clip joints.
Finally, you haven't recently changed tyres have you ? Some budget tyres are really awful and can adversely affect handling.