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Oil changes - blowpipe
Just gone for a 6 monthly oil 'n filter change on a 1.0l Polo, mainly because of past posts and at £15 (National Tyres) it was too cheap not to. This car does around only 6K a year, mainly as a home to station car. I'm a bit confused however as to whether it's worth it. Does the 6 month rule for changes apply to regular/high milers, or will it help protect the engine of my urban runaround?
Oil changes - Adam Going (Tune-Up)

Lots of cold starts, short trips, and low speed use can contaminate oil much quicker than a car used for longer/faster runs, so 6 months is very sound advise for the Polo.

Regards, Adam
Oil changes - Richard Hall
Polos tend to clog up with black gunge if not given regular oil changes, which blocks the crankcase breather and also the hydraulic tappets on later engines. The camshaft oil feed can get blocked up as well. That's a lot of potential expense just to save £2.50 a month. I'd keep changing the oil if I were you.

Richard Hall