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Ever increasing service intervals... - Dan J
I note that the service interval for the new Citroen C3 is 20k, same as the outgoing Vectra [I believe the new Vectra has 30k proposed intervals would you believe]. The drastic increasing of servicing intervals seems to be a common trend amongst manufacturers - Is this really all down to fleet buyers or is it just because we as a nation are a bit "tight" and like to keep our car costs down as much as possible?

Your average man in the street who isn't too understanding of his car will probably happily service at 20k in the knowledge his car has a full service history but this can't bode well for those motors 5,7 and 10 years down the line surely?

Is it because manufacturers want a faster turnaround of cars in this "throw away" age?

Dan J
Ever increasing service intervals... - John Davis
It seems to me that an equally alarming aspect of this trend is that, in many cases, the vehicle may never go onto a lift or over a pit in, perhaps three years, nor will it be inspected by any qualified technician. It is the bits that are deteriorating and being damaged in use ie, cables, hoses, tyre sidewalls etc which should worry owners and, of course, other road users. I think is it well known that the frequent oil change is good for the engine but, that operation does, in many cases, allow other problems to be rectified before they become too serious.
Ever increasing service intervals... - Bromptonaut
Not only that John, but an increasing number of the drivers will not even check the oil never mind get around to doing a proper walkround; light bulbs, tyres that sort of thing.
Ever increasing service intervals... - Flat in Fifth
"Not only that John, but an increasing number of the drivers will not even check the oil never mind get around to doing a proper walkround; light bulbs, tyres that sort of thing."

Simon, that is so true and quite frankly I worry that most of them don't care.

An ex colleague knew a brake and rear side light were out. 4 months later, as a favour I moved his car from one site to another, guess what I had to stop at the first garage and buy a bulb. Why why why!
Ever increasing service intervals... - J Bonington Jagworth
Reminds me that there seems to be an increasing number of relatively new vehicles with a rear bulb out. Is this because the bulbs used by manufacturers are cheap and horrible, or because of multiplexed wiring or some other electrical factor?
Ever increasing service intervals... - BrianW
Don't start me off on this one again!
The number of vehicles with dud lights amazes me. Headlights as well as rears, even on rural roads when you find a vehicle with one headlight leading a convoy because the driver cannot see.
Not fair on the driver behind who runs into the back because a brake light isn't working, the evidence being destroyed in the process!
I am convinced that 90% of vehicles only have lights checked once a year - at MOT time (always assuming that they are taxed, insured and MOTted in the first place, but that's another thread!)
Ever increasing service intervals... - Randolph Lee
As more and more secondary lights are replaced with high intensity LED clusters I expect we should, in time, see these problems go away; lamp life with LEDs is very long I think.

It will just take a few years for the cost to drop enough on these systems for them to be cheaper than todays old fashoned type.

Randolph Lee
Nantucket Island, U.S.A.
Ever increasing service intervals... - BrianW
I "like" equipment that comes "Sealed for Life".
Trouble is they never define what "Life" is, I suspect it means "until it breaks down".