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speed limits - T.G.Webb
Two points on speed limits:

1. Who determines where and what they are? For any each speed limit determination, is the justification in the public domain or is it effectively arbitrary?

2. Since we can have time dependent bus lanes why can we not have time dependent speed limits? A 30 limit to protect schoolchildren is unjustifiable at 2300 hrs, a 70 limit on many motorway sections is unjustifiable at 0100.

As in other matters, the government's claim to be open and innovative is hypocritical.
Re: speed limits - Alwyn

Have a look at the Association of British Drivers site for an explanation of how limits are set and also sight of the government guidelines.

Re: speed limits - Ian Cook
Sorry, TGW, I can't address either of your points - but I must relate a new experience round here (S Glos).

New 30mph signs have sprung up on a country lane. Fair enough - it could have been (sensibly, in the view of many locals) 40mph, but we'll live with it. It now offers me a decent opportunity to exceed the limit on my push bike. There are other 30mph limit down hill runs, but they're really a bit too hazardous.

Of course I'm not going to go speeding, am I?

Re: speed limits - Flat in Fifth
Bit similar to Ian's comment, the ABD info is fair enough but in practice ..........

30 signs sprung up in a 40, most thought 40 was fair enough, very few abused it.

No public notice signs, no newspaper notices.

Rang up council, get put through to their subcontracted roads partner. Total refusal to engage in dialogue why, what checks have been done, no answer to phone calls, no returned phone calls to messages left, letter ignored, brick wall etc you get the picture.

Talked to council safety officer, his response, "first I knew about this, there has been no study, no problem as far as I can see", he checks his accident records for that road, "only one fatac, stolen car ran off road whilst being pursued, hmmm," he says, "well I suppose one could say it *was* speed related, but that is stretching the point beyond reasonable." his words not mine.
Local traffic unit response, "what!? are they serious? first we knew about this"

By this time the 30 signs and repeaters had been covered up, then some enterprising locals came out and covered up all the 40's and their repeaters as well. This meant that dependant upon which direction you approached this bit of road from you could think the limit was 30, 40, or NSL!

Anyway nobody wanted to know about this, all agreed it was a safety hazard, but one day all the signs are uncovered complete with notices about a bit of retrospective legislation. Then I checked addresses of local councillors. I'd better leave it there before I get in any more trouble. But as Brian tells us, and he's quite right in this, try and do something after the event, hell will freeze over.

Oh yes the camera signs appeared last week. But as Ian says I'll live with it, hey ho.
Re: speed limits - David W

But can you abuse that limit on your bike like Ian?

Re: speed limits - Flat in Fifth

Can you rephrase the question please?

If you mean could I physically exceed 30mph on my mountain bike on this stretch of road? Probably on the slightly downhill bits, but not by much.

If you mean could I deliberately bring myself and choose to abuse the limit, well there *is* a question. The answer is probably no. To do that I would have to fit a speedo, and then calibrate it, and then, oh I just could not be bovvered.

Read smileys and winkies wherever you like in all that as appropriate.

The point is, assuming I have a firm belief in a standard where you cannot choose which law you obey and which you don't. Plus if I accept that having chosen to break the law either wilfully or by default eg inattentiveness then it should be its a fair cop guv situation. Why does that standard also not apply to the authorities? Perhaps because of the rabble element?

As an aside, like me you have probably noticed over the last days a few postings from Mr/Ms Big Brave "anon." Thank you anon you have made out and proven the case why this site needs registration as of yesterday better than anyone else could have done.

Not explained that very well I know, but there it is.

Time dependant speed limits - Big Vern
T.G.Webb wrote:
> 2. Since we can have time dependent bus lanes why can we not
> have time dependent speed limits? A 30 limit to protect
> schoolchildren is unjustifiable at 2300 hrs, a 70 limit on
> many motorway sections is unjustifiable at 0100.

All for it!! I live near a long striaght broad road that requires a 30mph limit during the day due to parked cars and a secondary school nearby, after 7pm the road is deserted and should be a 40mph limit. There are never any police check during the day as most people obey the limit but at night when it is clear it is a favorite revenue building spot!!
Re: Wittering limits - Poxy Jock
Well said, FIF, and perceptive too. I had never considered that the "Big Brave Demonstrative Adjective" could be of the female gender. Probably explains whu he comes over as such a "big girl's blouse"!

Re: Wittering limits - Poxy Jock
Apologies - in my last post, third sentence, third word, for "whu" read "why".

Re: Wittering limits - The

But who's Siamese Twin is Poxy Jock?

Or do they just have the misfortune to have to take it in turns on the same computer?
Re: Wittering limits - Flat in Fifth
The wrote:
> Hmmmmmmmmm
> But who's Siamese Twin is Poxy Jock?
> Or do they just have the misfortune to have to take it in
> turns on the same computer?

Hello Bogush me old China,

that one has gone completely over my head and splattered against the wall.

Do explain, keep it simple, shortish words only please.

Re: Wittering limits - Poxy Jock
FIF I'm not sure either, other than that classic "Bully" tactics since time immemorial have been to mock the afflicted, if all else fails.

Had to chuckle - Ivor Wheeze
Re above cycling posts, saw this on another site :

As a cyclist, knowing the location of a speed camera is fun. On a bicycle no mater fast you go through there is no chance of getting caught. The speed camera at Trimsaran and Pontyates in Carmarthenshire are often played about with and valuable police film in these cameras are wasted every weekend as about 20 cyclists pass through them separated at about 500 yds travelling at around 45 mph, just a nice speed for the camera to set off! We usually send one cyclist down first to witness the activity on a camcorder, something that is quite amusing to watch back on at a later time!