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HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - DebbiLouise
Looking for your help, advice & suggestions on what I should treat myself to now I'm at THAT age!!
Right my Jaguar Sovereign has now gone, so what to replace it with then?
I would like:-
£10-12000 budget
Sporty n sexy
Some power under bonnet
Who's that girl (sorry,woman) driving one of those?, type rear mirror images
Lots of toys,thank you Jaguar,for expecting a lot!
Not new,obviosly,but not worn out & old, old!!
OK for longish journeys, sometimes, & to make me look HOT for my business in promotions field
Like individality as much as possible
Oh yes, he will be given the chance to drive it sometimes & as he's not a hairdresser....MG's, baby Mazdas, Tigras, no thanks!!

I've looked at, so far, (thanks for patience you dealers whose time I've taken up)
Audi-All models seem a bit bland
Ford-Puma, loads too many around Cougar-nothing to say for itself
Alfa-mostly for blokes
Hyundai-old model coupe' has lots of curves,bit like me,but why is everone who drives them 55+?? No offence!! I did say I was 40!!
Nissan 200 SX-Liked this,but they forgot to fit sunroofs, instead put in too much VROOM! All the ones I've seen have been bumped ! No girlies driving them either! It's a bit wide on the body too, a bit like me, not I hope!
Saab-Do they only have that one giant tin of black paint? Sorry, did see an Electric Blue soft top with a tan interior, still somebody liked this combination!

DL x
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Simon R
Most obvious ones would seem to be:

Golf cabrio
Toyota RAV4
Honda HR-V
Seat Leon Cupra

If you want people to look at you, consider a new Mini Cooper.

Hope this helps.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Steve G
New Mini Cooper is a good suggestion but not many around the 12K price bracket yet (for a well specced example).
BMW 3 series coupe
Alfa 2.0 GTV (worth a look)
Peugeot 306 GTi-6 (Seriously quick)
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Guy Lacey aka Golf Geek
Hiya Debs!

May I suggest a Lotus Elise maybe?

Uses the same engine as the forbidden MGF and goes like stink but needs a good ragging to go anywhere. The new model looks *bloody* HOT but not as cheap as your price range dictates. The powder/baby blue number with anthracite alloys is just class.

Bad points are lack of toys and it's are an arse to get in and out of without losing some some of your honour. . . . . . . oh, and no rear seats........!

The *only* car with toys, cred and class will be a BMW 3-series convertible and with the money you have you should be able to get something decent but possibly a littlle over 5yrs old. Slap a private plate on and no-one will know the difference.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Richard Hall
Audi Cabriolet? Only just discontinued, late models had the 2.8 engine and lots of toys. Built like a tank, plenty about.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - J Bonington Jagworth
Agree with the Audi suggestion - less brash than a BM. If you really want to out on a limb, your money will buy a Porsche 928 with plenty of life left. Bargain of the century IMHO, and 5 litres of V8 should help you forget your age...
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Nelly Thingy
Debbi, my dear, take my advice, accept that you are now in rapid terminal decline. I know, I've been there.
It's not so bad when you're honest with yourself. Just get something that's built like a tank so that, when you bump into one of those nice shiny BMW's, it doesn't harm you. Remember to smile and look silly and you should get away with it. Men are lovely when you look confused and silly.
My car is just like that. You should get one but, I'm sorry, I can't remember what it is. Ask those nice men who keep writing here, I might have bumped into one of them. It's blue, I think.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - RickyBoy
Ahem, may I introduce myself young lady (I'm 51 you see!)

I've been singing the praises of the Skoda Octavia on this forum ever since I came here (only recently) ? much to other people's indignation I imagine?

However, may I suggest you have a peek at the Octavia RS. £15,100 new OTR (a tad over your budget perhaps) but prices are beginning to tumble a little.

Failing that, how about my 3.5 year-old Octavia SLXi. Yours for £6500 and I'll even bring it round to your front door! You'll have a bit spare for some serious designer shopping then?

Happy motoring...

PS. I do actually agree with the others about the new Mini Cooper (silver/black). A real 'head-turner' by all accounts, according to my female colleague sitting to my left. She's just 'traded-up' from a black Z3. Short back and sides anyone?...
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - IGS
You could try a Totota Celica - it seems to meet most of your criteria.
(Don't go for a BMW unless you never want to be let out of side roads again!)
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Jason
mmm..Nice dilemma to have.

Seat Leon VT or Nissan 200SX would both be good fun. last of the last generation MR2 with T-bar or is this a bit naff. My friend has a GTi-6 and from the rides I have had that is a very good car.

Good luck
from Jason
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - David W

If I've picked up on the vibes from your requirements.

Don't buy Seat, Skoda, Japanese, Ford, Alfa, Beetle, 4WDs, Peugeot.

Do consider Audi, BMW, Mercedes, New Mini, Lotus.

I spend a lot of time with an all female (mostly about 40) focus group. A neat sporty Mercedes is still the car that makes them look the most and say "who's that girl (!) in the Mercedes?"

Problem with a top sports version of a "normal" car is that the 1.4L base model in metallic blue will look just the same from many angles.

Good luck,

Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Sinjun
No. No. No.
What you need is a bit of style and class.
40 now so promote quality with a Merc.
which has full MB history and a few years
Not expensive but breaths class.
Try one.

Good luck whatever you choose.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Sinjun
No. No. No.
What you need is a bit of style and class.
40 now so promote quality with a Merc.
which has full MB history and a few years
Not expensive but breaths class.
Try one.

Good luck whatever you choose.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Sinjun
No. No. No.
What you need is a bit of style and class.
40 now so promote quality with a Merc.
which has full MB history and a few years
Not expensive but breaths class.
Try one.

Good luck whatever you choose.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Sinjun
No. No. No.
What you need is a bit of style and class.
40 now so promote quality with a Merc.
which has full MB history and a few years
Not expensive but breaths class.
Try one.

Good luck whatever you choose.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Sinjun
No. No. No.
What you need is a bit of style and class.
40 now so promote quality with a Merc.
which has full MB history and a few years
Not expensive but breaths class.
Try one.

Good luck whatever you choose.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Trevor Potter
I had similar (!) problems last year for my big FIVE OH.

Deal was - My PA (tall blonde, 40 , MX-5) and SWMBO got together and bought the CAR for me whilst I played with the boy's toys and bought a recreational vehicle.

Result:- Audi TT and Kawasaki VN800 Classic (Hog copy to you).

My PA is something else - 2 examples - "You know, if you were good looking, you would be a B**stard to work for." and
"What do you call an intelligent natural blonde? - a retreiver!"

If these are a bit risque, the BOF choice would be Rover 75.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - The
Sorry, did I read that correctly:

You are a driving instructor (OK Advanced).

You have a PA.

You pay her enough to buy you half a car for your birthday.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - The
And it was half an Audi TT?
I saaay. - Brill
"I spend a lot of time with an all female (mostly about 40) focus group."

With 'your' reputation?!
Re: I saaay. - Flat in Fifth
Brill wrote: about DW
> "I spend a lot of time with an all female (mostly about 40)
> focus group."
> David!
> With 'your' reputation?!
> :o)

I thought we'd realised that only one of these ladies actually drove a Focus so how can it be a Focus group? SUV group? And why haven't you managed to convert them to the delights of a double Chevron/Landie group. I think we should be told!

What's the latest market price predictions for Ribena then David?
Re: I saaay. - David W
Ahh the two SB's.

Yes only one Focus, several Discoveries, loads of People Carriers, one bike and no Citroens.

Ribena on special offer at the Rainbow Stuart, how many cases do you want?

Re: I saaay. - Phil
Porsche 944 Cabrio? It's got everything you need and then some. Your 12k will buy a very sorted one with history from a Porsche specialist. Fancy driving this?
Re: I saaay. - Tony
Japanese spec Subaru Imprezza WRX,STi if you can get it,with the biggest rear spoiler you can find and the goldest alloys.Very fast,very reliable,very drivable,and very 'noticeable'.Make sure you have cat1 alarm+tracker.(ram raiders car of choice '99,'00 and '01.)
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Derek
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Paul
What about a new MG Rover? A whole lot of car for the money, great to drive and I think they look fantastic, and lets face it you are 40 so it's about time to start driving a rover......... and wearing cardigans.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - piers
Get a cool classic car that's reasonably practical for a few thousand and a nice Caterham or Westfield for £8k +. That will really get heads turning.....

You'll heeling and toeing, opposite-locking and grinning from ear to ear!

Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Paul
That was what was in my head intially, but my brothers only car is a Westfield and whilst it is the best car in the world on lush sunny days (even wet ones), it is not the best for popping down to Tesco's, or going more than 60 miles on one tank. I am going to buy one - but we will have to have something a little normal for those annoying but mandatory journeys.
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - steve
How about a peugoet 406 coupe V6?
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - debbilouise
Thanks for all this input, I'll keep you posted.
Looked at Nissan 200SX again today, in Bright Red - Ooh!!! matches my lipstick ;-)
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - J Bonington Jagworth
Female friend of mine, wrong side of 40 (but still a friend) drives one of those and loves it. She hasn't crashed it yet, either, so perhaps it's just the blokes...
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - mybrainhurts

She's only 40, for gawd's sake.

You don't have to keep repeating yourself, she heard you the first time........
Re: HELP!! New car wanted for new me-I'm 40 now!!! - Guy Lacey aka Golf Geek
Chap in the same village as me turned out of the Nissan Dealer in his new 200SX, onto a damp roundabout and then sideways into the nearest lampost.