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Rover 214i 16v Throws a conrod - Tom S-S
Mothers k reg 214 sli 16v Rover went bang onthe A1 at 95,000 miles Number three's conrod decided to make a bid for freedom! Result = new engine.

Is this common on these cars I know about cylinder head problems but had never heard of them doing this.

It was however quite powerful for what it is could this be a factor? Too much power being extracted from quite a small engine?

Anyway having recon engine fitted for £650 yeah I know car not worth a lot more but comes with new clutch and a years guarantee so will keep it for 11 months and trade it in.

Also what would be a good replacement for it probably only have £5 to 6 grand to spend and unlikely should would like a Ford or anything French.

Is an A3 / New Golf going to be too ambitious?
Re: Rover 214i 16v Throws a conrod - Andy Bairsto
With a new engine why not keep the rover a little longer at least you no the heart is good.A3s are superb but I think alittle pricy in the UK ,the early models in Germany are now coming round to banger class and fetching between 3000to 4000 ukps for a mint model
Re: Rover 214i 16v Throws a conrod - Piers
The standard bottom end bits in a K-series are good for up to 8000 rpm and, for the 1.8 which has a long stroke) to 110 bhp a litre - ie pretty highly stressed.

100 bhp from the 1.4 isn't going to cause a problem.

Re: Rover 214i 16v Throws a conrod - David Withers
Tom, did the conrod itself break, or did the cap come undone?

I am surprised that failure should occur after such a high mileage if there was a flaw in the conrod or its assembly. On the other hand, I wouldn't have expected this mileage to have caused metal fatigue. It would interest me to know just what happened.

I have had a conrod come through the side of an engine but this was the result of a crankshaft breaking. In fact, part of the crankshaft came with it and knocked off the starter motor! The cause was found to be fatigue in the crankshaft due to the flywheel not being fully secured when the engine was built (by the factory, not me!). The screws had been locked in position but they were only finger-tight.
Re: Rover 214i 16v Throws a conrod - David Withers
I ouight to have mentioned that the engine that I had where the conrod came through the side was not a K-Series but another make altogether.
Re: Rover 214i 16v Throws a conrod - Tom S-S
There is a possibility that the little end bearing went?? I'm good up to a point but if it is major surgery I don't have a clue.

I'll keep you all posted