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landrover help - william cohen
my volvo 240 has failed its mot because its emmsions and the garage said it needs a new engine so its not worth mending. they have a landrover freelander which is a very nice car but it dosent have a handbook and i can't see if it will be ok for my caravan. can someone help??
Re: landrover help - Darcy Kitchin
Most caravan magazines have a table at the back showing car kerbweights and bhp to help with matching to a caravan. Land Rover may even show this on their web site.

There is an informed body of opinion in the Backroom that thinks little of the Freelander ...
Re: landrover help - Mark (Brazil)
>>There is an informed body of opinion in the Backroom that thinks little of the Freelander

Actually I think a lot about the Freelander. I have nightmares about the bloody thing !

This is a wind-up, right ?

On the off chance this it is serious...

Towing with a Freelander ? Are you nuts ? Even in the unlikely event that the thing stayed running long enough for you to even think about pulling your caravan, then it is unlikely to have the power to get it out of your drive.

And even if you manage that you will bang noisily along the road, at a very slow speed, with the nose of the car pointing up. It will be harsh, under-powered and is unlikely to make it across dry tarmac, god foprbid that you drive into a caravan site.

TheFreelander is ¨$%¨%¨. Not recommended, not even to a dead man looking for a final resting place.

Try a search on the word "Freelander" in this Phorum.

My experience, detailed here, is that it is noisy, under-powered, unreliable, bits fall off, uncomfortable, insufficient load space, uncomfortable for rear seat passengers over 3ft tall, plasticky, naff-4WD [sic], incompetent, easily stuck in mud/sand/snow, ugly, harsh, ill thought out, badly designed, worse built, impractical off-road, unfase off-road, pathetic on-road - I could go on (I frequently do)

Really, do a search on Freelander.

The only reason you would need a manual would be to pass the time of day as you spend endless hours in receptioon waiting for it to be fixed yet again.
Re: landrover help - Dwight Van Driver

Do I take it that you

Remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


How is Miss Nipper.
Re: landrover help - KB
The possibility of this being a wind up occurred to me straight away.

There have been so many instances of these it spoils it for genuine newcomers who may get a frosty reply when one is not warrantefd. Equally people spend time and effort typing out replies to hoaxers.

I thought that some sort of registration was on the cards. Anyone know anything about this?
If WC is for real then so be it and he'll return to receive my apologies. If he's a waster, then it's a pity.

Re: landrover help - Martyn (Back Room moderator)
KB wrote:

> I thought that some sort of registration was on the cards.
> Anyone know anything about this?

I know you value my time, KB, but you might have asked me direct!

Yes, it *is* on its way. Stephen is writing code by the ream at this very moment. I'm fed up, though, with asking him when it will be done.

Having said that, registration wouldn't have made any difference in this instance, for anyone who was already signed up and fancied rattling Mark's chain could have written this.

Best wishes, by the way!
Re: landrover help - Andy Bairsto
All freelanders can tow upto 2000kg braked trailer
Re: landrover help - Mark (Brazil)

I think that spec means that they are "safe" to do it. This is not neccessarily the same as "able" to do it.

I this case I suspect its safe to tow just about anything since its chances of getting over 5kph are virtually nil anyway.


p.s. I know you're right, because ours had a really strong tow-bar on it with some ridiculous high rating. All I know is that it was sufficiently strong everytime that we had to tow the Freelander - up hill, out of mud, through snow, across puddles, off the beach, down to the garage etc. etc.
Re: landrover help - Tom Shaw
Can anyone smell a Lada?
Re: landrover help - Mark (Brazil)
I honestly don't know. There have been 7 new people out of nowhere with problems all from .cache.pol.co.uk which as we know is where the idiot writes from.

Out of 7, they can't all be watson winding us up, can they ? Maybe none of them are.

But its very difficult to deal with.

I think for the most part I'll carry on answering queries and if its giving watson a laugh, so be it, its better than annoying someone genuine who really has come to this site for the first time by ignoring them.

However, if it is watson, then he is getting more tedious and pathetic by the day.
Re: landrover help - KB
Not only does my nose twitch Tom, I can hear music too...........Yes it's - 'Back in the USSR' I can hear.

Marks observation warrants scrutiny. Just a glance at the recent titles all lacking Capitalisation. They seem to bear a thumbprint. On the other hand if I was any good at detective work I'd be in the C.I.D. so you can't take too much notice of what I say. (Not that anyone ever did).

Re: landrover help - KB
Martyn (BRM), You are right in what you say even though you was kind enough to add a 'grin'.

BTW. PU from April 26th. Hopefully DTS.


Re: landrover help - william cohen
i am very sorry i did not register first. sorry
Re: landrover help - Mark (Brazil)
See, here's the problem William.

You don't need to register. In reality at this moment, you can't. And this forum is free access. That is free access to a lot of people who give of their own time and expertise to help others, just for the sake of helping them.

This would never be a problem but we have our own pet idiot. What our pet idiot (PI) does is lie, make up stories, ask ridiculous questions and generally behave immaturely. He givesd dangerous advice, supposedly from an expert, he points people in wrong directions and he incessantly lies.

The problem comes when someone out of the blue asks a question and writes with the same style as PI.

It may be that you are completely genuine, in which case if you care to e-mail me I will answer every question you could have about a Freelander. In fact, you can post your question here and it will be answered. In the end, people here will find, and frequently do find, that their wish to help outwieghs their disgust at the behaviour of PI and their generally pity of him.

The other issue with PI is nobody is sure exactly what he is. We are united (mostly) in our belief that he is a sad, friendless, pathetic human being, but it is difficult to know beyond that whether and when he is being genuine. He has cars with rust which appear and dissappear, he is an MOT tester, he is a garage owner with people demanding protection money, he invented perpetual motion and the rest.

He mails physical threats and obscene abuse to people, all in all he is a pain and one the Phorum would be better without.

In the end, it is unfortunate that he doesn't have the intelligence to understand that the people he hurts, other than his parents who must be deeply disappointed, are the newcomers to this phorum who would appreciate adive and help, and occasionally are treated abruptly because of PI.

He won't go away because he has no where else to be. He won't listen, because his sadness out weighs his thinking power. Effectively we are stuck with him.

And we have no way to ban him, without preventing real human beings from coming in the forum.

My one hope is that I will be in England and I intend to travel and speak kindly with him, and try to help him understand where he fits into the world and why not.

Hope that helps you to understand.

Re: landrover help - Andy Bairsto
Mark, I could not have written that any better
Re: landrover help - KB
LAS/William, While you're here, are you able just to confirm whether you're also - louise, jeff and rob - plus a few others besides.

If so would it be OK to ask you to put up a fresh post right now to that effect. Just to let the others know. If you could stretch the point just a bit further and say who you will be for the rest of this week, and maybe even next week, then that would help a lot. Like a sort of rota list - maybe you could do one at the start of each week?

Also......with reference to.: -

Author: ladas are slow (---.cache.pol.co.uk)
Date: 19-02-02 00:45

"this is the only website me and my friends keep coming back to, so yes it should be given 'the best website' award"...............do you think you could pass the message on to your friends. It would help a lot. Thanks.

Given that you're not going to desist in this game, in which we are all (without wishing to be) players, if you would just co-operate with this suggestion then it would really help. Do please come back and let me know whether you think it's an idea you could go along with.

Many thanks.