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Aussie speed cameras - update - Cockle
Some of you will remember this post back in early Jan:-

Father in law got a nice present for New Year, a speeding notice from Queensland Police. Apparently they've got a very nice pic of him doing 73kph in a 60kph zone, 41mph in a 36mph, thought he might like to add it to his holiday snaps obviously. Only draw back is they would like 450A$ (£164) for it, no points though, but still makes our fines look pretty good value!!

General consensus seemed to be that they probably wouldn't take it further and I said I would let you know the outcome.
He has now received a nice letter from the QPD asking him for A$90 (£33) due to his being a private individual and not a company car as they first thought, apparently you only pay 20% of the fine if you are not driving a company or commercial vehicle! Sting in the tail was that they wanted to add ONE point to his licence, he has written back and paid the fine (being a law abiding chap) but has asked how they propose adding a point to a UK licence.
Personally, I wouldn't have said anything about the point and just sent the cash as if they do find a way of putting the point on his licence I have a nasty feeling it might become three.

Out of interest will keep you posted if he hears anything more.
Re: Aussie speed cameras - update - Lee H
Thanks for the update Cockle, interesting approach to the speeding fines though.

Does that mean in Oz that companies can pay the fines, or you can claim the money back I wonder?

Re: Aussie speed cameras - update - Sid
Or at least the VAT Element?
Re: Aussie speed cameras - update - Brian
No VAT in Oz, Sid, so far as I know.
VAT's an E U Thing. Keeps people in work paying it over, reclaiming it, paying it over, reclaiming it, paying it over .................... all down the supply chain until you get to Joe Public.
Some countries have a sales tax, though, which has just one stage.
Re: Aussie speed cameras - update - Ronnie Courtney
Brian - The *good* news is that there is no VAT in Australia. The *bad* news is that, since 1 July 2000, a Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been charged at 10% on most goods and services consumed in Australia. Everything else you say about VAT, the cheque I really hate to sign, is almost certainly just as true about GST!
