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Alpine passes in winter - PR {P}
Im shortly going on a trip to Italy for a couple of weeks. On the return we're calling into Lausanne to see some relatives, and this requires passing over the Simplon pass.
Does anyone know of any websites which have latest conditions of weather/state of the road etc.. It will be mid November by then so would like to know if I will be able to check just before I travel back.
Alpine passes in winter - SjB {P}
Dead tricky this... ;-)

Put simplon pass weather in Google and the first hit is www.meteonews.ch/index.php?page=wetter_pas&lang=en...1
Alpine passes in winter - PR {P}
I know (rather red faced) after I had tried many fruitless searches I found a few good ones. Thanks SjB
Also www.swissinfo.org/sit/Swissinfo.html?siteSect=490
Alpine passes in winter - SjB {P}
No worries.
Enjoy the drive!
Alpine passes in winter - No Do$h
PR you should be ok in November. It tends to start getting sticky in January. Well, not sticky, but certainly slick. Lovely pass, ideal Alfa territory.

BTW, if you need snow chains the only thing that will fit your GTA is Spikes Spiders. NOT cheap @ over £200 a set.

I've got a set that may should fit your GTA if you wish to borrow? Drop me an email if you're interested at mailto:alan_moderator@honestjohn.co.uk with your tyresize and, importantly, the size of your wheelbolts (19mm I think?) so I can check that mine will fit. The spiders attach by clamping on to the bolt head.

Alpine passes in winter - PR {P}
Many thanks Alan but Im probably not taking the GTA!(shock horror!) Im travwelling with a cousin in his JTD Punto. We're only giong for a week to help with the olives and would be a bit expensive in the GTA!!
again many thanks for such a kind offer.
Alpine passes in winter - No Do$h
We're only
giong for a week to help with the olives and would
be a bit expensive in the GTA!!

You lucky!!!!!!

Would love to take a week or two out to do that. Hoping to be able to get in on the act next year.
Alpine passes in winter - madux
would like to know if I will be able
to check just before I travel back.

Better than that; There is a sign at the bottom that says \"Pass Open/Closed\"

Alpine passes in winter - PR {P}
which would mean quite a long detour if it were closed