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BMW 320i - Nearly head on crash - Redcar01

Nearly needed a new car today after Audi driver oncoming giving it some speed realised the car in front had stopped to turn right. Audi front end hits the deck , back end goes up in the air smokes from tyes can be seen and he decides to pull into the opposite lane to stop hitting the back of stationary car but sees me where he wants to go, i swerve and he swerves at the same time , how he didnt hit me i dont know. Only me and my family are glad he didnt.

All because he was showing off giving it some on 40 mph road

BMW 320i - Nearly head on crash - bathtub tom

'Smoke from the tyres'? I wouldn't have thought that would happen with ABS.

BMW 320i - Nearly head on crash - Leif
Glad you are okay. Pity you don’t have dashcam, you could have him done for dangerous driving.
BMW 320i - Nearly head on crash - Redcar01

smoke from tyres was from brother in law who was driving in front and window was open he heard screech and saw smoke and yes i have dash cam footage but i dont want to get into telling police as first thing they say is who has told them and next thing cars or people hurt at home so not worth it, hopefully he sh!t his pants and wont do it agian

BMW 320i - Nearly head on crash - Avant

He could do it again and kill someone next time. If you have witnessess, you should go to the police and stress that your name and address etc. must remain confidential.

BMW 320i - Nearly head on crash - Andrew-T

Something similar happened to me back in the sixties when I was a very new driver, somewhere in Oxfordshire on the A40 I think. A car behind a few slower vehicles pulled out and decided to pass them all. I had to take to the verge to avoid a collision. I now wonder why it was necessary, as back then there was so much less traffic.