Who was breaking the law here? - Sofa Spud

I heard about a rather disturbing motoring in incident in town the other day.

A car was parked on a steep hill in a shopping street, and there were 4 children in it.

A motorist drew up behind the parked car, which was blocking his way. The man got out of the car and told the oldest of the 4 children, who was about 12 years old, to let the handbrake off the car so it would roll forward out of his way - still with 4 children in it. The child did so.

Surely this was a very dangerous thing to do. Did the motorist commit any offence? Presumably the child did, since technically they were controllling a vehicle they were not licenced to drive, and too young to drive. What about the parent who left the car parked blocking the road with 4 children in it?

Who was breaking the law here? - NowWheels

Not sure of the legalities, but it sounds like everyone involved needs a good trouting.

Who was breaking the law here? - veryoldbear

Hear, hear! They should be subject to public humiliation.

But just think of the problems if the car had run over a mum and offspring, a nun or two, then sideswiping a Lamborghini before trundling through a shop window. Who would put what on their insurance claim? I can bet my boots that the bloke who asked the kids to let the handbrake off would have disappeared sharpish ...

Who was breaking the law here? - Bobbin Threadbare

Hear, hear! They should be subject to public humiliation.

Bring back the stocks.

Who was breaking the law here? - Problem_Polo :-/

More importantly perhaps, who was the idiot who parked it there in the first place?!!

Who was breaking the law here? - NowWheels

More importantly perhaps, who was the idiot who parked it there in the first place?!!

And why was it not parked in gear?