any - Traffic / Motoring offences - JohnSimons

As part of a job application I am being asked about my driving license. I have 3 points for speeding 18 months ago which I have declared where asked for in 'Traffic Offences'. There is then another section for 'Motoring Offences' - have I commited a motoring offence in the past 5 years?

Does this apply to serious crimes such as Drink-Driving or driving without insurance?

Is a traffic offence just when one breaks the rules of the road, eg a speeding ticket or a driving in a bus lane...?

Can anybody clear this up a little?

any - Traffic / Motoring offences - Vitesse6

I would play safe and put it in again, referring them to the traffic offences section and that you aren't certain which area of the form you need to put it in. That way, you cannot be accused of trying to hide something later on.

any - Traffic / Motoring offences - LucyBC

The two are used interchangeably. I suppose a decriminalised matter enforced by a PCN such as driving in a bus lane might be deemed differently but I would do as Vitesse6 says.