01 2ltr Rear Suspension - mechtec3
rear suspension wheel aligment out have fitted new bush to top adjustment rods no broken springs or leaking shocks need a good bit of help as i have put on my second set of new tyres getting a bit costly now hope to hear sum good advice regards gordon.
01 2ltr Rear Suspension - Mick Snutz
Just had two new rear bushes on my 01 406 estate. Nearside was worse and actually gave the wheel a wobble which i originally thought was a worn bearing. Nearside tyre badly worn and needed replacing.

Indy garage said it was a common problem. The bushes that had worn are at the bottom of the long metal arm which is joined to the chassis. can't think what the bloke called it. Was only interested in houw much it all cost. Presumably the garage has to set the toe in/out or camber otherwise its just gonna keep scrubbing that rubber.