SPECS Cameras M1 - Floodlights - biggav
Hi, can the SPECS cameras that are floodlighted on th M1 identify the driver of the vehicle at night?

SPECS Cameras M1 - Floodlights - gordonbennet

One would hope so, i'd be very interested to know if night time accidents in those sections are in the vicnity of or just after those lights, can put stars in your eyes for a short while.....unless you look away at the right moment!

I assume your referring to the extremely narrow section between jcts 16 and 19 currently undergoing works, when two lorries pass in that section there's about 6" at the most between their mirrors, just what you need an ex Stazi interrogation light flashing in your eyes.

SPECS Cameras M1 - Floodlights - biggav
Yep, that's the section, would still like to know if anyone has requested the photos from this section at night...

Thanks for your response tho.