Suzuki Swift - Little circles in boot well - Halmerend
Im probably being a bit thick but what are the three little circles in the boot well floor inside the car for?They seem to be metal not rubber so I assume they’re not grommits?
Suzuki Swift - Little circles in boot well - paul 1963


Suzuki Swift - Little circles in boot well - Halmerend
I only noticed them because of water ingress which is now sorted but wondered if they are removable. They do seem however to be metal not rubber. Thanks.
Suzuki Swift - Little circles in boot well - Dorset123


These can be removed but you will not be able to refit them as the are pressed in and sealed so it would be unwise to remove them. They are to fill holes used in the production process.


Suzuki Swift - Little circles in boot well - Halmerend
Great thanks for the advice.
Suzuki Swift - Little circles in boot well - madf

Drain holes for the painting process.