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£100,000 Lada!! - Dynamic Dave
Isn't it satisfying knowing that some of your TV licence fee goes towards Top Gear getting the boys at Lotus to modify a Lada to go faster!! A snip at £100,000
£100,000 Lada!! - Mark (RLBS)
More than that, you forgot to include the value of the original car, so that would make the total around 100,000.01

I watched it, so I guess its working, but what a gruesome waste of money. Think of the cars that you could have made fantastic with 100 grand to spend on them.
£100,000 Lada!! - DavidHM
I think Lotus probably agreed to do it for the free advertising rather than £100k.

Because otherwise that show has too much budget.
£100,000 Lada!! - Tom Shaw
Mind you, the Lada was probably more reliable than the stuff Lotus used to turn out in CC's day!
£100,000 Lada!! - Richard Hall
I thought it was rather nice myself, in an old-fashioned rear wheel drive kind of a way. Clever of them to paint it the same black/silver colour scheme as another Lotus project with very humble origins, the Lotus Sunbeam. Ok, they could have saved themselves around £99,000 by part-exchanging the Lada for a Fiat 124S which would have given them a twin cam motor, quad headlights and prettier instruments in the same shape body, but I still thought it sounded good and went rather well.

Richard Hall
£100,000 Lada!! - Fullchat
And who said Ladas were not cool!!!!!!!!!
£100,000 Lada!! - Obsolete
I wonder what the car is now worth?

I expect it is still awful.
£100,000 Lada!! - blank
Quite agree. Good fun feature and the look o fhte owner's face when the result was revealed was a picture. I can't believe he thought they might do something bad with his precious heap!

No way even the Beeb would pay £100k for that though, Lotus publicity for sure.
£100,000 Lada!! - Daedalus

I dont know why, but I got the impression that Lotus did it for the kicks. Lets show what you can do in 2 weeks with bits in the bin so to speak. A bit like a superia scrapheap challange.
Hope the Beeb havn't spent it out of the wifes licence money, should have taken it our of JCs pocket they must be deep enough by now.
Best car prog on the box at the moment though, except for no motorcyles, JC wouldnt have anything to do with them I suppose. Tehy might do the track faster!!!

£100,000 Lada!! - Dynamic Dave
DD, Lets show what you can do in 2 weeks with bits in the bin
so to speak. A bit like a superia scrapheap challange.

Easy challenge that.

Take one Austin Allagro; add one cliff; Hey presto, 0 to 100mph in a couple of seconds. At the bottom of the cliff you have the scrapheap :o)