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Jaywalking - tone
Could somebody tell me if Jaywalking is still technically an offense in the UK, whether or not its pursued is another matter.

Jaywalking - Dwight Van Driver
Sect 137 Highways Act 1980

If a person without lawful authority or excuse in any way wilfully obstructs the free passage along a highway he is guilty of an offence.
Penalty £1000.

Very rare for it to be used against pedestrians who walk in front of vehicles and other that from a proper crossing point.
Mainy used to shift the lad/ladettes hogging the pavement after chucking out time.

Jaywalking - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
Sect 137 Highways Act 1980

Must remember to remind the bobbies next time I'm stuck in traffic as the bicycle brigade has a mass tantrum.
Jaywalking - blowpipe
Ended up with a shocked jaywalker decorating the front of my (motor)bike as he ambled through the traffic a while back. No harm or damage done, he slid off and carried on his way without a word of apology. Rarely a problem, however. It's the cyclists who really have no sense of respect for other road users or steam at full speed through red lights that get me steaming.
Jaywalking - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
"It's the cyclists who really have no sense of respect for other road users or steam at full speed through red lights that get me steaming"

Agreed. If they avoid cycle lanes like the plague, why do we put them in?
Jaywalking - Bromptonaut
An eighteen inch strip of high grip green tarmac is a marginal consideration at the best of times. If you are that close to the pavement you have nowhere to go in if a jaywalker steps on front of you.

Then the council cover half of it with no grip double yellows!!! AVOID.
Jaywalking - BrianW
"If they avoid cycle lanes like the plague, why do we put them in? "

To reduce the amount of road available to motorised traffic, Silly!

The existing and proposed ones in central London near my office carry about two bicycles per day.
Jaywalking - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
"To reduce the amount of road available to motorised traffic, Silly!"

Hell, yes, why didn't I think of that? Touch of the BOG syndrome kicking in, sorry.

I should know these things.....my Council extended a cycle lane into a road, mid way along its length, running for about ten yards.

To protect cyclists, a no entry sign has gone up in the middle of the road, stopping traffic in one direction only. You can drive in both diections anywhere on this road, as long as you don't pass the no entry sign.

Confused? Not as much as the poor unfortunates who encounter this no entry sign, then have to do a three point turn. The best way is to make the first turn into a side road, then reverse towards the no entry sign, and awar ye go.

Easy? yup......except newcomers are so confused they don't see the 2 foot high kerbs protecting the no entry sign as they reverse towards it. It's now a multi coloured kerb, surrounded with bits of plastic.

I've witnessed the destruction of two bumpers.

I've never seen a bike.
Jaywalking - Bromptonaut
Your council has probably been given more than it dreamed of to spend on cycle lanes but to be spent in the current FY. Even if they have the inclination to consult the CTC or any other group with a knowledge of the issues they probably hav'nt the time. Hence ill planned dangerous schemes that benefit nobody.
Jaywalking - HF
Your council has probably been given more than it dreamed of
to spend on cycle lanes but to be spent in the
current FY. Even if they have the inclination to consult the
CTC or any other group with a knowledge of the issues
they probably hav'nt the time. Hence ill planned dangerous schemes that
benefit nobody.

That is so true. In and around my area, there have been so many schemes, implemented shortly before the end of the financial year, and which are done, it is obvious, so that the council can use up their year's budget. The proportion of these schemes which, after a few months, or a year or so, are then reversed, (again at massive cost, surely?) due to failure/non-workablilty, is huge.

We also have a scheme around my way, where for nearly a year now the council (or their contractors) have been digging up the streets, the pavements, causing a whole load of inconvenience for those of us living here, in order to turn the (don't know what they're called but the part of the pavement that leads to a driveway) to make these areas into block-paving rather than what they used to be. Ok maybe it might look a bit better but in the scheme of things is this really important? Does it matter and does anyone care? Will it improve road-safety?
Jaywalking - Tom Shaw
Local councils are just as much fashion victims as the youths who destroy their cars with "Body kits" to look like their mates. Traffic calming is one of the "In things" among local authorities, and no self respecting councillor could hold his head up among his peers unless his area had all the latest gizmos, cycle lanes that no one used, humps that aren't needed etc.

Even the most sensible of people who go into local government soon go native and loose all touch with reality soon after being exposed to the heady aroma of the power to boss us about.

Jaywalking - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
"Even the most sensible of people who go into local government soon go native and loose all touch with reality soon after being exposed to the heady aroma of the power to boss us about."

Not all. I know one who fights for us. He used to be here, until he was hounded away............
Jaywalking - smokie
I liked him too...posts sometimes too long, so I ignroed 'em...shame everyone couldn't.

His heart was in the right place...sorta....
Jaywalking - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
I don't think we're talking about the same person, smokie. My subject has been absent for some time.
Jaywalking - Paul Mykatz-Tinks
More EU meddling here, too. A councillor joined us to oppose a proposed bus lane that was to run past her house! To be fair to her, there were some dangerous elements in the plan.

She openly admitted that EU money was being claimed to finance bus lanes, but the total length of these lanes was stipulated by the EU.

The Council took out a map and tried to fit the required total distance onto the map!

We won............
Jaywalking - Obsolete
I sometimes cycle along the A4. There are some cycle lanes marked out on the pavement but they are useless. You have to go slow to avoid pedetrians, and stop every 100 metres to cross a junction. What's the point of them. I use the road. Fortunately most car drivers are respectful of cyclists.

99% of cyclists here ride at night without lights, with dark clothing and ignore traffic lights. I have even seen several riding along the A4 on the wrong side of the road at night coming straight towards me. At first I would shout at them to get lights if they wanted to live. But there are too many. One particular nutter was cycling along an unlit country lane and was almost invisible. Incredible.
Jaywalking - tone

The reason i asked is my local council is planning to remove pedestrian barriers, as they are actually cages for pedestrians, not actually safety devices. Also, they say, its annoying to have to walk to a crossing to cross a road.

I thought it was a bit strange that a council proposal was going to encourage law breaking.
Jaywalking - Toad, of Toad Hall.
Sect 137 Highways Act 1980
If a person without lawful authority or excuse in any way
wilfully obstructs the free passage along a highway he is guilty
of an offence.
Penalty £1000.

I once fell asleep in the middle of a road in a New Forest town. My 'mates' simply watched while a police car arrived and a (nice plod woman helped my off the road.)

No suggestion that I would be charged [1] but she was deeply offended when I asked if she was a special.

Funny how kebab makes you sleepy....

Must be the chilli sauce.

[1] Maybe because it wasn't 'willful'.
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.