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best and worst MPG - CMark {P}
Hi all,
prompted by Sideways tale of being national MPG champion ;-) I wonder whether any BRers have spectacular tales of best or worst MPG records. I'll kick off with my two pence worth:

Twelve years ago I took a Tdi Discovery with some engineering mates deep into the Sahara in Algeria and tootling along as we were we recorded 42 MPG. This gave a range of more than 900 miles between fill ups. We were mightily impressed considering we were three-up and had around 400 kgs of stuff in the back.

A little earlier I had a Montego turbo diesel as a young rep and used to get around 60 MPG. This would go up to 65 on a more gentle run and drop to 55 MPG when cruising around at 90 MPH.

My worst non-motorsport MPG was in my 620 Ti when on a top speed charge across Germany on the autobahns. My average 36 MPG dropped to just 18. I even stopped at a certain point to check if the fuel cap was on properly and fuel wasn't being somehow sucked out of the tank in the slipstream as I could almost see the fuel gauge dropping. Then again at an indicated 150 MPH what do you expect.

best and worst MPG - bernie
Out of interest where did you work in Algeria ?

I worked in Skikda in early 80,s ,ring any bells ?
best and worst MPG - Edd
Well over 100 mpg on the trip computer at 30mph in 5th in a renault clio diesal (not my car) but i would gess it was doing 120ish
22 mpg on advanced driving lessons in a 1.4 petroil escort (my di that car give rubish fuel economy 35 was a good dayt and 33 was normal and that was on a 30 mile long run best ever was with my parents in it i managed 40 but crawled away from ever set of lights and never seems to go fast enought to need to brake.
Algeria - CMark {P}
Hi bernie,
actually, we weren't working in Algeria we just though it would be a nice place to spend our hols. (Was it? Yes and no.)

We drove out from the UK to see if we could drive across the Grand Erg Occidental. This huge sand sea had not, at that time, ever been crossed by car (as far as we could tell from research at the Royal Geographical Society in London).

On our 1990 recce we got within 40 miles of a successful crossing using a standard Discovery and a 110 Tdi prototype. We went back the next year with two lighter 90s with sand tyres and two 110s for support vehicles but only got about 10 miles further. Ever tried driving over bottomless sand so fine it resembles talcum powder? The pictures I have of Defenders buried up to their sills...One day we only made 400 metres in 6 hours.

Incidentally, I am now Chairman of Jordan 4x4 Adventure (which gets me out and about).

Extreme fuel consumption - RogerL
I used to tow my caravan from the Midlands to South Devon with a Mk2 Cavalier SRi getting 22mpg cruising at an indicated 70mph (about 63 really). When I used a mates Range Rover, we were down to 9mpg and it took just as long, and wasn't any more stable.
Extreme fuel consumption - Ben79
My best was in a 1.1 Saxo during the Sept 2000 fuel blockades, had to get home from London, so kept to a steady 55, the M1 was empty. Then drove around town for 50 miles over the next few days and filled up and calculated 56mpg, the worse I ever had was in a 1.6 carb Pug 405 being 25mpg during winter and that was with a fair amount of motorway.

Interestingly, my Xsara returns 40mpg nearly all the time, and that is 10% less than the Saxo I owned before, despite weighing 25% more and having an engine 0.3 litres bigger. (MPi vs SPi as well)

Extreme fuel consumption - Tim
Golf 1986 GTI 8v worst 28mpg (welsh back roads on Rally day)
best 46 mpg during the fuel crisis!
Audi A2 TDI (hire car)- 60mpg whilst cruising down the Autobahn from Munich to the Alps between 110-120mph! Strange car!!!!

Leon 1.6 16v worst 26mph best 36mpg - something going very wrong!
Extreme fuel consumption - Dave_TD
Had a Skoda Fabia SDi courtesy car today, "52" reg, 3400 miles. Did 62 miles at 66.5mpg in traffic at 42mph avg.
10mpg better than my Octavia SDi!

Once had to take a Maestro diesel van from A1(M) J10 to Swansea and back, set off at 3am because the driver who had it the day before brought it back with a deafeningly noisy wheel bearing and we didn't have time to change it. Drove at 50-55mph all the way there and back (at which it was only just into 5th gear), checked the figures on return and had to double-check them! 91mpg on the A1(M),M25 and M4...
Extreme fuel consumption - madf
XJ6 towing caravan at steady x0 mph ..12mpg!

Extreme fuel consumption - SjB {P}
Brother dorve a Countax ride on garden mower from John O'Groats to Lands End. Briggs & Stratton horizontal V-twin, flat out against the (bent to give more speed) governer, gave 6.6MPH max, and about 12MPG over the 18 days that it took. The 3.9 V8 Disco that was lent to him as a support vehicle burned less fuel, even towing a large box trailer!

Flat out on the Autobahn in my Vectra GSi Estate, with an indicated 150MPH up, showed 11 MPG on the instantaneous fuel consumption readout.

My Honda Hornet CB600 gives 0-60MPH in three point something seconds, overtakes as quickly as you can think about it, and averages 50MPG. :-)

Extreme fuel consumption - Baskerville
150mph at 11mpg gives you just over an hour between fill-ups on a 15 gallon tank. That must have cut your average speed down quite a bit.

My best was a fortnight driving round Ireland in a Pug 309 diesel. We did 710 miles in a leisurely fortnight, on one 55 litre tank, and filled up just before getting back on the ferry to come home. Worst was this summer in a Dodge Intrepid, driving in the mountains near Lake Tahoe, CA. On one of the many 15 gallon tank-fulls it managed just 120 miles. Yet on a freeway cruise (70mph) it did 300. Shocking.

best and worst MPG - Ian Cook
Just the worst, I'm afraid...but I bet that someone will beat it.

My Dad's Buick Electra (nineteen sixty something model) - it did 9mpg on a run.

Ian Cook
best and worst MPG - cabsmanuk
nothing to do with MPG but I worked out in Skikda in 1973. We were working on the petrochemical plant on the Eastern outskirts of the town for a company called Pritchard Rhodes. At weekends we would go into Annaba or Constantine. I often wonder what the place must be like now.


best and worst MPG - bernie
Chris,I worked on the same plant I think.It was owned by Sonatrac and the company I worked fot was Pullman Kellog.They were repairing the LPG plant when I worked there.Did you ever go to Ben Mahidi beach ? or the restaurant in town called Le Votre Man.Actually I thought Algeria was not a bad place,but I heard it got a bit rough later on.I also heard that a lad who worked in the company stores got shot in the head a few years after I left.
best and worst MPG - Clear Spot
Caravan Towing Figures through France cruising at my normal 65 mph
1 Omega 3 litre estate with 1500 kilo van in 2002 - 19 mpg
2 Sierra 2 litre with smaller van (IIRC 1100kilos)in 1989 - 14 mpg

On a recent trip to Majorca ran 720 km in a hired Seat Cordoba TDI without filling up - don't know what that amounts to, but foof for thought to a confirmed petrol head
best and worst MPG - aj
My best and worst:

Citroen AX 1.5 Diesel regularly 60 mpg driving 10 miles to work
VW Golf III VR6 same run to work averages 28 mpg if going fast this drops to about 22 mpg.
Jaguar XJ6 3.2 stretch funeral limousine (auto) averages about 18 mpg on funerals.
Daimler DS 420 funeral limo averages about 12 mpg on funerals, on the motorway this drops to around 8 mpg, you can see the needle moving downwards on the guage!
best and worst MPG - Andy P
My friend managed to get 8mpg out of his V8 Range Rover Vogue SE while crawling around Chester.

best and worst MPG - svpworld
M26 Dragon ? Army Armored Tank Recovery.......

1 litre of fuel every kilometre !!!!

(thats about 2.8 mpg)

SVPworld (incorporating PSRworld)
best and worst MPG - BrianW
OK, if you really want to get out of this World, the transporter at Cape Kennedy that takes the rockets from the assembly building to the launch pads (about a mile and takes an hour on a good day) must get through a gallon or two!

On a personal note, my 80 mile daily round trip journey on my bike (2/3 open road, 1/3 London traffic) takes under four litres, or in excess of 90 mpg.
best and worst MPG - SjB {P}
< ... 150mph at 11mpg gives you just over an hour between fill-ups on a 15 gallon tank. That must have cut your average speed down quite a bit ... >

You think you can keep that sort of speed up for any distance, even in Germany? Err, no, not if you have a wish to live and not harm anybody else, and especially as increasing sections of autobahn are speed capped and camera enforced.

Actually, I was impressed with the overall consumption, considering we were four up, and the motoring varied:

The journey was a 2649 mile round trip from England to the Czech Republic, including two flat out autobahn runs for about two miles each held at the previously posted maximum speed, but mainly cruising between 90 and 120 MPH when traffic and lack of speed limit allowed, plus a crawl round Munich in the rush hour, and trudging through snow in Austria and the Slovak republic over a three day period.

During all this, the GSi averaged 29.9 MPG, with the average speed (trip computer only active whilst engine is running) being exactly 50MPH.

best and worst MPG - Cliff Pope
Best - Renault 4 on a long run at steady 60mph - 60 mpg.
Worst - V8 Land-Rover pulling 2 tons of boat - 12 mpg.
best and worst MPG - Dizzy {P}
The worse mpg I have come across is 12 gallons per mile (yes, you read that right!)

Perhaps I should mention that this was with Tommy Ivo's four-Buick-engined dragster in the 1960s!
best and worst MPG - Dynamic Dave
Top fuel Dragster. 1½ gallons of Nitro Methane consumed in a second under full throttle. Costs ITRO £14 a gallon.
best and worst MPG - Andy P
Following up the earlier thread about the Crawler used to transport the Space Shuttle, the Shuttle itself probably qualifies as the most fuel-inefficient vehicle on the planet - it uses 1 gallon of fuel to travel twelve inches....

best and worst MPG - Flat in Fifth
Following up the earlier thread about the Crawler used to transport
the Space Shuttle, the Shuttle itself probably qualifies as the most
fuel-inefficient vehicle on the planet - it uses 1 gallon of
fuel to travel twelve inches....

Andy can you explain what assumptions you have made to come out with that. Surely it all depends on payload, duration of mission etc etc

For the record the crawler transporter uses about 124 UK gallons of diesel per mile ~ 43ft/gallon
best and worst MPG - CM
Worst was about/under 8mpg - Land Rover V8 - cruising at about 90mph over 180 mile journey. Used 2 tanks of fuel!