Some trifles from the colonies: we are blessed with car accessory supermarkets here carrying the like of which you don't see too much of in Halfords. Whole aisles are given over to airfresheners, and the variety of plastic thingies you never thought you needed is stupefying. As are oftentimes the labels and instructions that go with them. Most of this junk comes from neighboring Asian countries whose enthusiastic forays into English frequently produce hilarious results. My Australian friends visiting recently were paralysed with mirth on encountering the "Donga" brand, for example, the "Mobile Phone Condom" (keeps it dry, well what else did you think?), the "Violent" range of LED add-on lighting (they got the branding right that time) and so on.
Today a new range of aerosol lacquer paints, simply called "DO-IT!" is stacked in the Halloween Special display.
The creativity boys really got creative, if not Freudian, on this one: Infatuating Pink, Oozing Tangerine, Screaming Red, Bleeding Burgundy, Watery Yellow, Burning Platinum and Moonlighting Silver.
Moving on, I think my favorites are Intimidating Black, Cheating Mahogany Brown, Spanking Beige, Penetrating Blue. What else could follow that but Fatigue Green, Fading Grey, and finally Reckoning Red.
On checking this astonishing array I thought, oh yeah this one has Taiwan all over it with names like that, but no, made in Holland no less!