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New clamping regime for unpaid Traffic fines(GOC) - Falkirk Bairn
If Road Traffic fines remain unpaid the Scottish Courts can now Clamp, tow away and add these costs to unpaid fines................


Large Fines are now imposed for most traffic offences and many go unpaid............losing your car to clampers and towaway may improve the cash flow to the courts.

But how can the clamp the husband's car if it is his wife's fine, company car...........a can of worms maybe - waiting on the courts being sued for illegally clamping cars belonging to innocent membera of the same family!
New clamping regime for unpaid Traffic fines(GOC) - Armitage Shanks {p}
I have sometimes wondered what is the legality of towing and perhaps crushing cars that belong to finance companies,are on lease deals, and hire cars, among others
New clamping regime for unpaid Traffic fines(GOC) - theterranaut
I'm not sure that someone who has refused to pay a motoring fine will be inclined to pay another one when a vehicle is clamped!
New clamping regime for unpaid Traffic fines(GOC) - Falkirk Bairn
I suppose the Courts will check ownership - HP/Lease before crushing cars but maybe not sufficently well to avoid errors.

I have twin sons and HMRC have on 6+ occasions in the last 10 years applied money sent by one son to the account of the other.

Taxman then applied fines of £100 + interest on account for non-payment. To their credit they refunded the other son money for "over payment of tax".

Instead of checking NI Numbers / TAX Ref Numbers they Checked Surname, initials and DoB which is the same for the twins.