Hi all
My saxo keeps cutting out. There seems to be no pattern It can happen when warm or cold. I can be at 70 on the motorway or at idle at a junction. It will simply stop. It will then start again on the turn of the key or if travelling faster pick up again after a couple of seconds.
I know this is very vague. has any body heard of this before? Or give me any clues as to where I might start? Inertia switch? pump (LP or HP)?
Thanks in advance for any ideas
Your problem sounds electrical.
The only thing that will stop the engine if it has fuel ok is the fuel stop solenoid on the injection pump.
I would suggest possible ignition switch contact problem.
Do you have a lot of keys dangling from the car key.
Have you recently had the fuel filter changed as could be air getting into fuel but would have expected poor starting if it was that.
Do you loose anything else electrical when it cuts out.
Hi diesel nut
Thanks for your reply. It is never a problem to start first thing in the morning. Starts on the button every time.
I will investigate the stop solenoid on the fuel pump to see if there are any loose conections.
If the solenoid is faulty am i right in thinking that it is all part of the fuel pump and connot be changed?
Can I just add another note hat may be of relevance. The previous owner removed the key pad immobiliser. I have this and the code if needed. Am I right in saying that these could be removed when the engine was running and then the keypad is not needed? Could this be part of the problem?
Solenoid is available as a separate part, just go to your local Bosch diesel specialist.
But more likely to be the electrical supply to the solenoid failing, either ignition switch or a relay if there is one in the circuit.
Could the previous owner have bodged some wiring to the imobiliser when he removed it ?
Thank you again for your response. The previous owner I knew and I know that he didn't touch the wiring he simply pulled the plug from the back of the immobilser key pad. I'll check the connections at solenoid and on relay.
Thanks again
Jason, I don't know for sure if there is a relay in the circuit, it may feed straight off the ignition switch, you would need to check a wiring diagram for this model.
If you find no loose conexion I would wire direct off the battery positive through an in line fuse to the fuel solenoid.
Connect the fuse at the start of the journey & see if you still have the cutting out.
You will only be able to stop the engine by removing the fuse
Have you changed the fuel filter lately?
Hi guys
The plot has thickened?! IUt now wont start at all. The keypad immobiliser is now showing both red and green lights on at the same time? Usually switch ignition on and only the red light shows. Punch in code and green light comes on and red goes out. The two lights now come on together when I turn the ignition on and if I punch in code nothing changes.
Is this a job for a main dealer of is there something simple that I can do to try to correct it.
Thanks for any advice