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Network Q. - Toad, of Toad Hall.
For the past few years I've marshalled at the Network Q in Margam forest. I see the rally free in exchange for a bit of light work. It's good fun and we usually stop in Cardiff for a night out.

I got a letter this morning. I have to become a registered marshal and undergo training.

Are they completely mad? Naturally I'm not going to bother and I wonder how many others will.

Since the Network Q relies heavily on unpaid marshalls I think measures like this aimed at discouraging marshalls can only damage the rally.
These are my own opinions, and not necessarily those of all Toads.
Network Q. - Pugugly {P}
Probably down to H&S considerations - especially in the light of recent events.....
Network Q. - volvoman
Just another restriction on our activities driven by insurance/litigation issues. The same thing's happening in schools. My son with special needs can't go swimming anymore because the volunteers who take him and his classmates have been told they have to be accompanied by a qualified lifeguard !!!

How many people are going to volunteer for such things when it's becoming so difficult to do so ?
No end of good causes are being forced to cease or curtail their good works because of fear of litigation. I'm coming to the conclusion that this country is going to grind to a halt sooner rather than later !