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Car Data - Steve Brautigan
Has anyone ever heard of a company called "Car Data" and know anything about them at all?

Thanks in advance

Car Data - Phil I
I think this may be the outfit you are looking for.


hth phil I
Car Data - Blue {P}
I think they tried to canvass the advert for my old Fiesta.

I think the conversation went something like this:

"We would like to sell your car for you, we have buyers waiting."

"How much?"


"So how come I can't pay AFTER you have sold my car"

"You just can't"

Car Data - Crombster
A couple of years ago I was trying to sell a Carlton in some of the local papers. Shortly after I recieved phone calls from all over the country from people wanting to buy my Calibra Turbo! Many didn't believe me when I said I was selling a Carlton and though I was taking the mick!.

A couple of days after that i received a letter from Car Data telling me about Calibras that were for sale in my area!?! A quick phone call to them asking them what they were playing at eventualy put a stop to it.

Rather strange considering I had never heard of them previously.
Car Data - BB
Just a correction to Phil I who stated earlier that Experian were the people behind car data. They are not behind Car Data. Experian are the company who sell all the data to other companies. Experian are not directly involved in the selling of cars. Just thought I would put this in to stop law suits etc ;0
Car Data - Blue {P}
I think the Experian car data is actually like an Hpi check. As you say, it has nothing at all to do with the car data that we're on about!