A bit different, this one.
That has cheered me up Ted. Just sheer talent. Outstanding and a pleasure to watch. I just know that if I tried to get my bike to do anything remotely similar it would end in tears !
There was a similar act at the Santa Pod Flame & Thunder night (which I won tickets for on this forum - Thanks HJ!), a young man named Chris Doney. Seemed to defy the laws of physics with his balancing atop handrails, bouncing down a ladder on his back wheel and so on. Amazing!
And all filmed in sunny Edinburgh - well on those days anyway.
>>it would end in tears !
I can't condone it, but I've got to admire it.
Dougie Lampkin, look what's coming!
Can't be good for their reproductive capabilities. I'm glad I've got a car.
Ould cynic that I am
that should be an Olympic sport
way ahead of beach vollyball